GitHub Buy Out?
Jason Self at
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>> Jason Self:
“I suppose one thing that Microsoft could do, if this happens, would be to make GitHub accounts full on Microsoft accounts with access the Windows Development Center. And then start saying "Hey look how easy it is to develop your apps for Windows" (especially with the GNU/Linux compatibility layer in Windows 10.)”
If I know them, they will then develop a Microsoft-Different version of git, forcing people who uses github to adopt it.

There is a Python 3 port of bzr called brz (f/k/a "Breezy") underway that'll help keep Launchpad running quite nicely.

They clearly saw a giant much bigger than it should be, all very nicely centralized, and said... "how is it possible that we don't own this yet???" xD
JanKusanagi at 2018-06-03T00:45:03Z
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