Kakurady at 2012-02-07T23:50:34+00:00
Gaah have to hand in project tomorrow but slacking off all day *checks email* prof busy today, crisis averted!Kakurady likes this.
Kakurady at 2012-02-03T15:01:22+00:00
This Chinese theme park has the best mascot(s) http://chimelong.com/happy/kkh.shtmlKakurady likes this.
Evan Prodromou at 2009-11-09T01:50:43+00:00
"Wikipedia: the speech is free; the beer costs extra" #WikipediaFundraisingSlogansSage Ross at 2009-11-09T21:56:53+00:00
"In this war on error you are either with us or against us! If you don't donate, the errorists win." #wikipediafundraisingslogansKakurady, keyist, Wikimedia Italia, Urpo Lankinen and 5 others likes this.
@ragesoss In this war on error your either with us or you're with us!phoebe ayers at 2009-11-09T23:19:21+00:00
We need money. You need a distraction. Let's trade! #wikipediafundraisingslogansJustin Washu O'Brien at 2010-10-05T16:12:55+00:00
QOTD: "Q: Why is it written in Mono/C#? A: Because I hate freedom." via sparkleshare-0.2-beta1 READMEAxel Beckert, Kakurady, Guachafita.com.ve, Scott Beamer and 3 others likes this.
Ed Daniel, Ed Daniel, talisht3, talisht3 and 4 others shared this.
@threethirty, I didn't realize #SparkleShare was in #Mono. #Disturbing, since it's the only FLOSS replacement for #DropBox & #UbuntuOne.Jeremy Allison at 2010-01-13T01:51:51+00:00
I am so proud of working for Google today ! http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/new-approach-to-china.htmlDigiturf, Kakurady likes this.
Aric Gardner shared this.
@jra I was notably impressed. I also think it will make for some very fascinating gnashing of teeth in some places.Steven Gardig at 2009-12-17T20:37:09+00:00
A single sperm has 37.5MB of DNA information in it. That means that a normal ejaculation represents a data transfer of 1,587.5TB !qThe Anarcat, Kimme Utsi, JC John Sese Cuneta, Charles-Edouard Coste and 19 others likes this.
Show all 7 replies♻ @patcito A single sperm has 37.5MB of DNA information in it. Thus a normal ejaculation represents a data transfer of 1,587.5TB@patcito sure but what if you bzip it? and definitely keep rsync out of the mix@patcito We've got a lot to learn from nature. :) But [citation needed] on those claims IMHO. :)phoebe ayers at 2009-11-08T18:16:58+00:00
EDIT WARS 4EVA #WikipediaFundraisingSlogansKakurady likes this.
Sage Ross at 2009-11-10T00:18:58+00:00
"Wikipedia: So easy a child can do it. Donate now*! *You must be at least 18 to donate via PayPal." #wikipediafundraisingslogansKakurady likes this.
Odin Omdal Hørthe at 2009-09-20T15:14:51+00:00
!StatusNet !laconica Improvement: put the in_reply_to on the last dent YOU SAW via #XMPP. No use in replying to offtopic dent's (race)Kakurady likes this.
James Purser at 2009-08-21T02:44:03+00:00
if( song.genre == metal) { cat /dev/rand > /dev/snd } #songsincodeKakurady likes this.
taglife at 2009-07-14T06:08:45+00:00
RT @SandLiu #GFW 第一定律:只要是 “用户产生内容”(User-generated content, UGC) 的国外网站都会被和谐。 GFW 第二定律:只要是被和谐的网站,国内一定会有个克隆版。 GFW 第三定律:没有被和谐的网站一定不是同类竞争者中最出色的。Kakurady likes this.