Kete Foy

Bitcoin Exchange

Kete Foy at

This Bitcoin exchange asks for your PGP public key, so they can encrypt their emails to you :-)

gpg --armor --export you@your.address

For an anonymous currency, you sure do have to give up some personal information to buy a coin!

PS—According to reddit, either transfer coins to another address in your wallet or use

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Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) shared this.

why so? if you wan't need, why can't you just create a new gpg key just for that address? (without WoT informations, and without other addresses).

Elena ``of Valhalla'' at 2016-05-20T19:56:54Z

Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) likes this.

>> Elena ``of Valhalla'':

“why can't you just create a new gpg key just for that address?”

Oh no, a couple are asking for date of birth. One asked for less, but some of it was in Polish.

Kete Foy at 2016-05-20T20:39:19Z

It's not anonymous unless you use a coin mixer or exchange your coins through a currency that has one built-in (like DASH, but note that it's not automatic, or Monero, in which I think it's automatic), and exchange them through an anonymous exchanger like ShapeShift.

In a public ledger, it is trivial to trace a coin transfer to transfer until you reach an exchange with identification requirements. Sending money to yourself doesn't obscure anything.

Asking for a public key isn't an issue though, like Elena says, they are trivial to make. They are not personal information. Kraken requires some personal identification to lift trade limits though.

Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) at 2016-05-21T02:40:01Z

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