Kete Foy

MP4 vs WebM

Kete Foy at

It makes a big difference to convert MP4 files to WebM. It takes a long time and a lot of CPU though.

$ ffmpeg -i Oliver\ Stones\ Untold\ History\ of\ the\ United\ States\ Prequel\ A.mp4 Oliver\ Stones\ Untold\ History\ of\ the\ United\ States\ Prequel\ A.webm

$ ls -sh Oliver\ Stones\ Untold\ History\ of\ the\ United\ States\ Prequel\ A.*
917M 'Oliver Stones Untold History of the United States Prequel A.mp4'
130M 'Oliver Stones Untold History of the United States Prequel A.webm' 

But those are just containers. What matters here is which video and audio codecs (and at what bitrates) is each of those files using.

JanKusanagi at 2016-06-04T14:20:36Z

Kete Foy likes this.

you should add
-vcodec copy -acodec copy
to this, if ypu want to save the encoding.
In your case ffmpeg transcoded source video and audio into some default encoders.

AleksandrSlobodeniuk at 2016-06-23T11:13:42Z

>> aleniuk:

“you should add
-vcodec copy -acodec copy
to this, if ypu want to save the encoding.
In your case ffmpeg transcoded source video and audio into some default encoders.”

Thanks, I was too lazy to leave those in there, but I think I can manage including those from now on.

Kete Foy at 2016-06-23T12:16:57Z