Karl Fogel

Karl Fogel at

Dear @Medium: If you're going to pop up an invitation to create an account whenever I visit a page while not logged in, please at least offer standard username/password accounts, instead of a choice of either email loop (bad for many reasons) or 3rd-party authentication (same).

Stephen Michael Kellat, McClane likes this.

Stephen Michael Kellat, McClane shared this.

Yes please.

Also, just don't pop up stuff, thanks xD

Why do 99% of websites insist on being superannoying to their users? 😕

JanKusanagi at 2018-11-26T23:20:34Z

Karl Fogel likes this.

I only ever visit Medium when a certain high official from work posts official blog posts there.

Somebody should ask Congress to prevent the Office of National Taxpayer Advocate from using Medium and to keep her blogging on in-house servers instead.

Stephen Michael Kellat at 2018-11-28T03:58:16Z

Karl Fogel likes this.