Kristian R. kr428@identi.ca
i do pictures, write code, listen to strange music, dislike stereotypes. eventually I write about work.
Netz39 at 2012-11-18T16:33:20+00:00
Hostnamen der dauerhaft hier stehenden Rechner bisher: sokrates, hegel, kant …Kristian R. likes this.
Ploum at 2012-11-16T13:53:27+00:00
And what if "being able to do thing" was more important than "having a free solution"? http://ur1.ca/axorj !ubuntuKristian R. likes this.
lostson at 2012-11-09T14:51:51+00:00
Michael (majeSTYX), Kristian R. likes this.
Michael (majeSTYX) shared this.
Roger Pixley at 2012-11-07T14:26:36+00:00
@kr428 to be truthful +1 gets it first but right now that's not an incentive :-) it should come soon thoughKristian R. likes this.
Bob Jonkman at 2012-11-06T22:04:45+00:00
I'm going! ♻ @watpy: Tonight 7pm at the McAfee office in Waterloo, Peer2Peer Talks about how people are using !Python: http://t.co/28TqZBhWKristian R. likes this.
Adrián Chaves Fernández at 2012-11-05T21:54:48+00:00
I’m amazed by the amount and quality of the tangible results of the #Kate / #KDevelop sprint. !KDE developers, you are really something!Jure Repinc (JLP), Kristian R. likes this.
Satipera at 2012-11-02T14:42:06+00:00
@Laurellruswurm That is right but this is a huge step in the right direction, very important decision.Kristian R. likes this.
@satipera I know; my concern is complacency ... getting part right may make them feel they've achieved "balance" and be done with itlaurelrusswurm at 2012-11-02T14:39:01+00:00
Too bad #OpenSource ≠ !freesoftware ♻ @satipera Government IT projects: Britain adopts open technology standards. http://ur1.ca/arhhwKristian R. likes this.
@Laurellruswurm That is right but this is a huge step in the right direction, very important decision.Satipera at 2012-11-02T14:42:06+00:00
Kristian R. likes this.
@laurelrusswurm Shouldn't truly _open_ document standards be considered more important? ;)Delete This Account at 2012-09-05T17:55:54+00:00
Basic urllib GET and POST With and Without Data - http://ur1.ca/a4cks !pythonKristian R. likes this.
I'd strongly suggest using Requests instead http://identi.ca/url/46582427Ben Kuhns at 2012-09-03T03:01:38+00:00
Kristian R., lostson likes this.
roamin at 2012-09-01T09:15:33+00:00
UnderlineWords / The Air Between Us / Mixcloud http://t.co/DDsq8D9a #ambient #postrock #instrumental #chill #avantgarde .@UnderlineWordsKristian R. likes this.
Kristian R., Kristian R. shared this.
Julian Aloofi at 2012-08-26T22:39:59+00:00
@m3tti Apache Foundation houses OpenOffice development now, although the fork LibreOffice is currently the more active project.Kristian R. likes this.
The Root's Updates shared this.
@nailuj ok thanx i was a bit confused about whats going on there now xDCarlos Solís at 2012-08-23T04:34:46+00:00
@lxoliva Each has its place. CLI is for scripting and text-based editing, GUI for image-based manipulating. Applications should offer both.Kristian R. likes this.
Jacob Barkdull at 2012-08-23T02:47:13+00:00
@lxoliva ... white/color balance, image stabilization, all necessary for CGI work and all require seeing the video as you're working on it.Kristian R. likes this.
Craig Maloney at 2009-09-20T20:19:54+00:00
Doing my weekly review listening to nothing but metal albums downloaded from http://freemetalalbums.wordpress.com/ Excellent stuffKristian R. likes this.