Mathäus m3tti@identi.ca
Steinrode, Germany
IT-Student, playing around with Linux and OpenSource apps, music and tea
2013-09-13T13:52:21Z via Identi.ca Web To: CC: Followers, Public
#crunchbang and good like that distro very much2013-07-03T08:45:50+00:00 via Choqok To: GNU's Not Unix, Public
anyone has good instructions for dwarfs fortress !gnu !fsf !games !linux@m3tti never played but here are some tutorials http://identi.ca/url/760824592013-06-28T08:11:18+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
juno reactor is #awesome !listeningTupulpo shared by Mathäus at 2013-06-28T07:55:04+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Mathäus shared this.
Nordpirat shared by Mathäus at 2013-06-25T14:30:57+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Was weis die deutsche !Regierung eigentlich? http://ur1.ca/efqkk !Freiheit !Demokratie !UEberwachung !DeutschlandMathäus shared this.
2013-06-24T13:54:57+00:00 via Choqok To: Slackware Linux, Public
Yngve Inntjore Levin shared by Mathäus at 2013-06-18T12:12:28+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Who do I thank for the AWESOME external monitor support in !kde ?? Even #windowns people were amazed today! :)X11R5, a(n) person, Ladislav Ezr, Hilton Garcia Fernandes and 3 others likes this.
Agustín Benito Bethencourt, Aleix Pol, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Mathäus shared this.
2013-06-17T13:33:45+00:00 via Choqok To: Slackware Linux, Public
anyone using !slackware on the raspberry pi?@m3tti I haven't, yet, but there's a thread about it in the linuxquestions.org slackware forum.2013-06-14T08:08:23+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
whats wrong with !choqok can't get any #twitter news.Kesara shared by Mathäus at 2013-06-11T07:39:48+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Alexandru Cojocaru, Luis Ángel Pérez likes this.
mray INACTIVE, Mathäus, tius, Artopal and 5 others shared this.
2013-06-03T17:38:27+00:00 via mustard To: Public
going on a walk with my dear dog !mnml !nature2013-05-29T11:35:10+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
what web !programming languages are you using. #programming2013-05-28T07:34:22+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
back at work waiting for installation instructions :-/ #windows :-!2013-05-27T13:27:04+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Damn for the first time my laptop at work breaks down. Damn #mondays .2013-05-24T12:04:12+00:00 via Choqok To: GNU's Not Unix, Public
http://bit.ly/198mlzU Google Abandons Open Standards for Instant Messaging !eff !fsf !gnuGatoso Oso, Gatoso Oso, Mikaël Cordon, Mikaël Cordon and 2 others shared this.
2013-05-24T12:02:06+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
http://bit.ly/10sys4l google verabschiedet sich von offenen standards !google !netzpolitik #Google2013-05-24T13:54:26+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
need some documentations about !vegan ism or !mnml ism2013-05-23T10:59:30+00:00 via Choqok To: Java, Public
wanted to start coding just for fun but i've no idea. I'm open for every languge !c !cpp !python !java !programming #noclue#esoteric programming language http://ur1.ca/3btjn "designed to #test the #boundaries of computer programming language design" #fun2013-05-23T14:22:05+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
any good !mnml podcasts or !vegan