J.R. Freeman Jr. krikitmedia@identi.ca
cartoonist/illustrator... musician... budding linux geek...
Creative Commons at 2011-04-25T21:51:35+00:00
Amazing news! Creative Commons' chairman @Joi Ito to be director of MIT @medialab: http://ow.ly/4GHC7J.R. Freeman Jr. likes this.
mrs. stench at 2011-04-19T16:56:29+00:00
my son is making the mac like !linux. LOL! He has installed , SMK, tuxkart, and I don't no what else too cute.J.R. Freeman Jr. likes this.
Nizar Kerkeni at 2011-04-18T18:44:24+00:00
♺ @yaco: Comic for childrens about Free Software available now: http://bit.ly/dGFInh (sources also online) !libre !gnu !linux !ubuntuStephen Judge, J.R. Freeman Jr. likes this.
Gatoso Oso, Gatoso Oso shared this.
Tomas Ekeli at 2011-04-14T21:46:43+00:00
Why would I want a separate app for every one of you stupid news-sites? Make a proper site that works well on mobile #WeReDoneHere !androidJ.R. Freeman Jr. likes this.
@tomasekeli It's about marketing, not users. Apps get you exposure in an App Store; mobile web site does notSiôn at 2011-04-06T21:23:49+00:00
♺ @alisonchaiken: Windows is a legacy operating system. - Jim Wasko, IBM, Linux Collaboration Summit #lcs !loJ.R. Freeman Jr. likes this.
Jono Bacon at 2011-04-04T16:24:39+00:00
J.R. Freeman Jr. likes this.
Jelle Hermsen at 2011-04-04T14:32:52+00:00
Looks like !debian squeeze can easily replace ubuntu studio as my main music production desktopX11R5, J.R. Freeman Jr. likes this.
Chris Watkins at 2011-03-03T23:27:32+00:00
So many computer problems since switching to !Linux :-(. I think back to using Windows &... remember that I had more problems then :-).J.R. Freeman Jr. likes this.
linuxaria at 2011-03-04T22:24:31+00:00
J.R. Freeman Jr. likes this.
Daniel Martí at 2011-03-03T22:35:24+00:00
Doesn't know what to think after one of vodafone's workers laughed at me. "Why the hell woulnd't you use PC or MAC?". !freesoftware !linuxJ.R. Freeman Jr. likes this.
@danielmarti the same as I think about isp-support-guys who say that any browser beside msie is unsupported@danielmarti you should've answered something like "Why the hell should I use Vodafone??" :DDaniel Martí at 2011-03-03T21:30:44+00:00
Nothing better than someone who claims to disagree with Microsoft's ways while owning an iphone. !linux !freesoftware !gnudiablomarcus, J.R. Freeman Jr. likes this.
Klaus, Klaus, Sebastien B., Sebastien B. shared this.
@danielmarti Depends what Microsoft "way" their against. Apple still has a knack for delivering good products (unlike MS), and sheep followⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ at 2011-02-22T16:15:55+00:00
Now that there is an official !cyanogenmod !android port for the #nook color, I'm somewhat interested. Certainly don't need it but...J.R. Freeman Jr. likes this.
oposit at 2011-02-21T17:54:37+00:00
Canonical has to make money... hope they can find better ways of doing that over taking it from the non-profits http://bit.ly/fOkoRU !linuxJ.R. Freeman Jr. likes this.
@oposit sigh. Interesting. Wondered when that would happen.Chris Smart at 2011-02-16T23:32:32+00:00
Opposite of Nokia, Motorola dumps !Windows on phones for !Android !Linux http://ur1.ca/39k2q (now, if only they dumped the Tivoisation too)J.R. Freeman Jr. likes this.
a(n) person, a(n) person, Nandan, Nandan shared this.
♻ @csmart Opposite of Nokia, Motorola dumps Windows on phones for !Android http://ur1.ca/39k2q (now, if only they dumped Tivoisation) #fbsilner at 2011-02-16T22:04:26+00:00
5 of the Best Free !Linux Robotics Software - Linux Links http://ping.fm/ge0OaJ.R. Freeman Jr. likes this.
Marie Axelsson at 2011-02-08T16:53:51+00:00
J.R. Freeman Jr. likes this.
Creative Commons at 2011-02-07T17:34:42+00:00
RT @mollyali Proud to announce Open Attribute, making it simple to attribute CC licensed work on the web: http://openattribute.comJ.R. Freeman Jr. likes this.
Jono Bacon at 2011-01-28T19:14:38+00:00
Check out this guide I wrote on getting started writing Ubuntu apps - http://is.gd/edTeeh #ubuntuJ.R. Freeman Jr. likes this.
bassburner at 2011-01-28T16:50:38+00:00
Lieberman wants ability to "turn off the internet" in the US like Egypt did: http://is.gd/rP3RSO !loJ.R. Freeman Jr., Eric Mesa likes this.
♻ @aptidude Lieberman wants ability to "turn off the internet" in the US like Egypt did: http://is.gd/rP3RSO !DebianizzatiThomas Gideon at 2011-01-27T18:24:26+00:00
It is only during long duration power outages that I ever entertain changing my stance on not paying the recurring fees for a smartphone.J.R. Freeman Jr. likes this.