Stephen Judge stephenjudge@identi.ca
Dublin, Ireland
I won't be posting on identi.ca anymore. Instead you can find me at diasp.eu/u/stephen & mastodon.social/@StephenJudge
Zika Virus
2016-05-29T15:53:59Z via myfriendica.net To: Public
I'm fighting the #ZikaVirus on my android phone. You can to with @OpenZika & @WCGrid
Get the app now https://j.mp/OpenZikaArcee likes this.
Arcee, Arcee, Arcee shared this.
âTo support OpenZika, you simply download a free software program from World Community Grid that runs âin the backgroundâ on your computer or Android device. This is called the OpenZika client, and it processes information (in this case using the drug design software AutoDock VINA) and evaluates prospective candidates for drug discovery. The OpenZika client uses idle processor cycles that would otherwise go to waste. When your computer has finished a OpenZika computation, the results are packed up and sent back to the OpenZika team, ready for researchers to collect and analyze them. â
Facebook Supports the FastTrack TPP
2015-05-06T22:47:49Z via myfriendica.net To: Public
Just when you thought Facebook couldn't get any worse, now they're supporting a law to #FastTrack #TPP censorship https://cms.fightforthefuture.org/facebook/TrueCrypt Audit Completed
2015-04-02T15:09:40Z via myfriendica.net To: Public
The TrueCrypt audit has been completed. https://t.co/1bIldkLR89
<script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"></script>
— OpenCryptoAudit (@OpenCryptoAudit) April 2, 2015Did GCHQ illegally spy on you?
2015-04-02T03:26:53Z via myfriendica.net To: Public
Privacy International - https://www.privacyinternational.org/index.php?q=civicrm/petition/sign&sid=1By God, believe in something...
2015-03-11T19:05:11Z via myfriendica.net To: Public
A very passionate Michael Sheen tells us to "By God, believe in something..." against political apathy http://j.mp/1GFyrmB via @Firefox2015-03-04T18:27:11Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
YERKA Project Unstealable Bicycle
I just bought myself the YERKA Project Unstealable bicycle at the early backers price of $399. Get yours at this price in the next 24hrs at https://bitly.com/GoYERKA+2014-12-05T00:48:05Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Donate to Mozilla
I donated to @mozilla today because I #lovetheweb. Join me and help build + protect the Web forever: https://sendto.mozilla.org/page/contribute/givenow-1pageDana likes this.
Your other post via MyF came 5 minutes earlier ;)
>> Stephen Judge:
âYe I noticed I mispelled on that post and thought I could delete it here but then realised there is no delete option once you make a post (I was sure there used to be)â
I assume you're talking about the web interface (Pump.io is soooo much more than that), but yes, there is a delete option, even in the web interface. It's kind of a downwards-facing arrow in the right side of the post.With some of the desktop clients you could even edit the post.
2014-12-05T00:42:49Z via myfriendica.net To: Public
Donate Mozilla
I donated to @mozilla today because I #lovetheweb. Join me and help build + protect the Web forever: https://sendto.mozilla.org/page/contribute/givenow-1page2014-11-08T23:16:10Z via myfriendica.net To: Public
Happy Birthday Aaron Swartz
We're honored to carry on your legacy today. #RememberAaron (via https://twitter.com/internetsownboy/status/531174327857594368)Scorpio20 likes this.
2014-11-03T09:27:48Z via myfriendica.net To: Public
The Big Bang of Social Networking
"...to declare Diaspora a failure badly misreads not just the project but the nature of transformation: We are still in the Big Bang moments of the digital age, so charged with energy that its guiding forces cannot be simply tracked."
http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/26/sunday-review/the-big-bang-of-social-networking.htmlsazius likes this.
2014-11-01T15:41:09Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Oversight for Federal Attorney Misconduct
Tell the DOJ: #NoMoreAarons! Sign the Petition for Better Oversight for Federal Attorney Misconduct http://tak.pt/i/4ibtnzJr via TakePart.com2014-11-01T15:21:13Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
The Internet's Own Boy: Remembering Aaron Swartz
I just watched 'The Internet' s Own Boy'. Powerful and tragic. We must never forget Aaron Swartz and what he fought for http://takepart.com/IOB
Remember Aaron Swartz http://rememberaaronsw.com/
Tell your representative to fix the CFAA in memory of Aaron Swartz http://www.fixthecfaa.com2014-11-01T08:08:46Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Firefox OS Sync/Backup App for ownCloud
I've created a bounty for a #FirefoxOS Backup App for #ownCloud on #Bountysource. Please pitch in to get this built http://j.mp/1nXT8Cfjrobb likes this.
SombreKnave, SombreKnave, SombreKnave shared this.
2014-10-29T16:15:55Z via myfriendica.net To: Public
Mozilla Stumbler
Help build a *Free geolocation service for #FirefoxOS and other *Free software. Download Mozilla Stumbler on Android http://j.mp/MozStumblr2014-02-25T15:08:11Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2014-02-18T18:50:41Z via myfriendica.net To: Public
Dublin Timelapse | video@cjube.com
https://vimeo.com/23560119#video #audiovisualpoetry #timelapse #ireland #dublin | audio-visual-poetry - cjube.com - your daily videos. enjoy.
2014-02-18T17:54:40Z via myfriendica.net To: Public
Paris Censors Street Artist Who Criticized Anti-Piracy Law | TorrentFreakCity workers in Paris have been instructed to remove political messages from street art this week, including several paintings protesting against local anti-piracy law 'Hadopi'. The irony of the situation is that an artist's work is being censored because it criticizes a law that's supposed to protect artists.