Krugor krugor@identi.ca
#floss #commons #gnulinux #ric etm epnm #dia #monnaielibre #permaculture
James h jackson jr jameshjacksonjr@identi.ca
Rhode Island United States
Fan and supporter of #opensource devices and services and also into pureOS linux on my purism librem 15 laptop and backed the purism librem 5 phone coming out!!!
EVAnaRkISTO@MP EVAnaRkISTO@mipump.es
Acracia de Iguales
Cuenta secundaria por si cae la principal: evanarkisto@identi.ca Alternative account (2nd) just in case Identi.ca is down Anarchist and feminist "wanna be(e)"
Scorpio Scorpio@datamost.com
Republic of South Africa
I'm a guy interested in Debian, FOSS, actually a alot of things... About Avatar below: Page URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3ALewecke-gateport.jpg File URL: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/76/Lewecke-gateport.jpg Attribution: By Frank Lewecke, http://www.spacelands.de (Own work) [CC BY 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
serpiente_negra serpiente_negra@mipump.es
My name is Alex. I am GNU/Linux advanced user with some administration and programming skills. xmpp://aranhalobo@jabber.otr.im https://social.consumium.org/aranhalobo https://mastodon.cloud/@aranhalobo https://diasp.eu/people/ba0d6d832fcaeb91
Black Canary canary@mipump.es
B. Ross Ashley brashley46@identi.ca
Toronto, Canada
Retired hospital worker and old revolutionary socialist; former cyclist, sf fan, fantasy fan, Linux user.
clacke@libranet.de ❌ clacke@datamost.com
Sweden or Hong Kong
Saving the world by solving first-world problems. My main is at https://libranet.de/profile/clacke .
Leo da Vinci leodavinci@fmrl.me
JanKusanagi jankusanagi@datamost.com
Jabberia and the Pumpiverse
Developer of the Dianara pump.io client. Mageia GNU/Linux + KDE Plasma user. I also use Debian GNU/Linux and Archlinux. Jabber/XMPP chatter, Pumper, C/C++/Qt coder. Pump.io User Guide: https://pumpio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/userguide.html DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed here are those of my next door neighbor.
GNUstav Huarcaya diavolo@identi.ca
Nerdanderthal, ciudadano de segunda y tercermundista. Usuario de Software Libre. FreeBSD, Slackware, Arch Linux, Python...
AJ Jordan alex@pump.strugee.net
Seattle, Washington
20. FLOSS zealot. GitHub fan. Ultimate player. Stack Exchange addict. UNIX philosophy subscriber. Sysadmin. Conference attendee & speaker. Freshman in college as of fall 2017. I am the primary maintainer of pump.io, the principal author of StraticJS, and a comaintainer of PRISM Break.