Never forget the old friends!
Once again, it looked weird (archaic?) to choose #LaTeX for a 'small' doc with text + photos, so I began with it in LibreOffice… Wrong! I don't master either tool, but I feel more comfortable at organising text than at organising info visually, moving and resizing photos. Will try to remember next time (and maybe, convert the current file…).
Sorry Writer/Impress, it's not you. It's me.
Christopher Allan Webber, Stephen Michael Kellat, Olivier Mehani, Stephen Sekula and 1 others likes this.
Stephen Michael Kellat shared this.

This very quickly reminded me of why I use Beamer for slides I create myself.
Olivier Mehani at 2015-07-28T12:29:51Z
Stephen Michael Kellat likes this.

Olivier Berger at 2015-07-28T13:55:00Z
Stephen Michael Kellat likes this.

Thanks for the comments.
I converted the file, now it's in LaTeX (I prefer LaTeX headaches than LibreOffice ones). Org-mode still in my TODO (I manage to do slides with it, but no other documents), in September I'll have a look at reST.
Laura Arjona Reina at 2015-08-02T23:15:26Z
X11R5 likes this.