Leo Rockway

Leo Rockway at

Now that you're all on pump.io software: if you still want to follow me, please follow leorockway @tekkio.com.ar instead. We want to help establish federation instead of centralization on identi.ca. Now that the migration has been completed I'm back to being active on the free software social network world (or I try to be).

Luis A. Guzman shared this.

I got an exception from tekkio.com.ar after entering my Webfinger ID to follow you on that server: Error: HTTP Error 401: Unable to get host-meta or host-meta.json at Function.Credentials.register (/home/pump/pump.io/lib/model/credentials.js:161:23) at next (/home/pump/pump.io/node_modules/step/lib/step.js:51:23) at IncomingMessage.DialbackClient.post (/home/pump/pump.io/node_modules/dialback-client/lib/dialbackclient.js:208:21) at IncomingMessage.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:126:20) at IncomingMessage._emitEnd (http.js:367:10) at HTTPParser.parserOnMessageComplete [as onMessageComplete] (http.js:149:23) at CleartextStream.socketOnData [as ondata] (http.js:1491:20) at CleartextStream.CryptoStream._push (tls.js:544:27) at SecurePair.cycle (tls.js:898:20) at EncryptedStream.CryptoStream.write(tls.js:285:13)

Alexandre Oliva at 2013-07-19T05:04:29Z

The server is currently down (mobo died). It should be back online in a few days.

Leo Rockway at 2013-08-04T19:35:24Z

Well, the server is back. Please try following me again.

Leo Rockway at 2013-08-14T17:13:26Z

Still getting errors;
  • Error: HTTP Error 401: Unable to get host-meta or host-meta.json
  • at Function.<anonymous> (/home/pump/lib/model/credentials.js:161:23)
  •  at next (/home/pump/node_modules/step/lib/step.js:51:23)
  • at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/home/pump/node_modules/dialback-client/lib/dialbackclient.js:208:21)
  •  at IncomingMessage.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:117:20)
  •  at _stream_readable.js:910:16 at process._tickCallback
  • (node.js:415:13)

Luis A. Guzman at 2013-08-15T06:58:41Z