Identi.ca and privacy
Evan Prodromou shared by Gabe at 2013-06-09T14:05:02+00:00 via web To: Public
Anarchy-X, daebb, Bersam Bandari, axel668 (inactive) and 15 others likes this.
Arthur Lutz, Gabe, The Root's Updates, axel668 (inactive) and 11 others shared this.
Show all 5 repliesThank you @evan for providing clarification on that. We appreciate your respect for the userbase!another one reason why !identica will be better than twitter (forever and ever)@evan But what about "direct access"? You didn't deny that! Didn't you get the memo?2012-09-07T08:55:24+00:00 in Al Jufayr, Ḩālat an Na‘īm, Capital, Bahrain To: Public
Well, I've been using app.net, but then I remembered I had this http://ur1.ca/5b7gr account. Maybe I should try it out, too.2011-03-13T16:13:27+00:00 in Boston, United States To: Public
Set this up a while ago, may as well post something...