Alexandre Oliva

Mussum Lives! antecipa personalidade do ano 2020

Alexandre Oliva at

foto e créditos:ão_com_o_ator_norte-americano_Keanu_Reeves_(40564290483)_(cropped)_2.jpg
in case you wonder, the Portuguese words go:

Mussum Lives! announces early:
Person of the Year 2020

"Keanu Reeves" sounds like "que ano horrível" = "what a horrible year!", more so with late comedian Mussum's signature pronunciation (horrívis)

Alexandre Oliva at 2020-07-12T02:38:11Z

Stephen Michael Kellat likes this.

» Alexandre Oliva:

“[...] in case you wonder, the Portuguese words go: [...]”

Ah, that explains things. Thanks 😅

JanKusanagi at 2020-07-12T03:36:15Z