Alexandre Oliva

Alexandre Oliva at

I'm having trouble dealing with the results of the elections and accepting that fascism took over a near majority of the Brazilian people. democracy is about respecting the majority's wishes, but also about respecting rights of minorities. mind explodes!
the fascist fanaticism seems to be like a zombie that eats people's brains. no dialogue seems to be possible. I am almost hopeful that the voting machines underwent not-provable-by-design fraud, rather than that the majority voted so poorly

Please define "fascism" in this case. That generally abused word has been stripped of almost all meaning lately.

Stephen Michael Kellat at 2018-10-09T00:49:08Z

celebrating a candidate that defends torture, dictatorship, and discrimination by skin color and gender should be enough, but there's a lot more, unfortunately

Alexandre Oliva at 2018-10-09T06:58:20Z