Shakthi Kannan at 2012-11-04T09:46:46+00:00
"Perfect numbers like perfect men are very rare" ~ René DescartesYashpal maji likes this.
Shakthi Kannan at 2012-07-29T11:20:54+00:00
read "Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle" by Dan Senor and Saul Singer http://www.startupnationbook.com #inYashpal maji likes this.
@shakthimaan the insights are interesting and their references to Singapore pretty much spot on.Shakthi Kannan at 2012-08-20T02:47:41+00:00
Blogging literately in !Haskell http://greayer.wordpress.com/2009/10/26/blogging-literately-in-haskell/ #inYashpal maji likes this.
Free Software Foundation at 2012-01-05T16:11:37+00:00
Congrats to Mozilla on #MPL 2.0 release! We helped them write terms to add compatibility with GNU licenses: http://ur1.ca/79h3l !fsf !gnuHarish Pillay, rsiddharth, Jason Self, Yashpal maji and 2 others likes this.
Shinji R. Yamane, Shinji R. Yamane, República del Hackuador, República del Hackuador and 12 others shared this.
@fsf Could you help with cc by-sa, too? We could need some help there: ur1.ca/79qyaGlyn Moody at 2011-10-08T08:30:39+00:00
Larry Ellison unveils #Oracle Public Cloud, claims no one will be locked in - http://bit.ly/q0PKRN also says water no longer wet...Yashpal maji, Máirín likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2011-12-16T20:35:46+00:00
These days, developers are mostly free, and end users are not.Yashpal maji likes this.
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) at 2011-11-17T02:32:28+00:00
Ilya Zhitomirskiy: In Memoriam http://ow.ly/1fGA56Yashpal maji likes this.
Rigo Wenning, Rigo Wenning, gnusay, gnusay shared this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz at 2010-12-10T13:50:31+00:00
Yashpal maji likes this.
Shakthi Kannan at 2010-11-19T08:33:08+00:00
Profiling and optimizing Ruby code (2005) by Pat Eyler at http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/tutorials/os-ruby2/section6.htmlYashpal maji likes this.
biella at 2010-11-17T03:12:03+00:00
The TSA blogs, how handy http://blog.tsa.gov/2010/11/opting-out-of-advanced-imaging.htmlYashpal maji, John Sullivan likes this.
John Sullivan, John Sullivan shared this.
Terri at 2010-11-16T20:42:28+00:00
"the enemy is not 'MEN.' The enemy are a-holes" http://ur1.ca/2d2wzYashpal maji likes this.
Mario García H. at 2010-09-11T02:59:28+00:00
!Awk is like a fever. Once you got it, you don't want anymore. I hope !gawk's little community will keep expanding it.Yashpal maji likes this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz at 2010-09-05T16:33:24+00:00
RT @mako Posted a short article on the use of non-free tools to build free software. ( http://ur1.ca/1hzzu )Yashpal maji likes this.
Glyn Moody at 2010-01-05T10:15:49+00:00
How to Learn Just About Anything Online ... For Free - http://bit.ly/8qXlRk intro to open courseware, with links #ocwYashpal maji likes this.
Yashpal maji shared this.
Tony Manco at 2009-08-07T22:25:44+00:00
Understanding Linux CPU Load - when should you be worried?: http://is.gd/26ZHcYashpal maji likes this.