John Sullivan johnsu01@identi.ca
Impending Doom, United States
This account is deprecated. Please find me at https://microca.st/johns or https://status.fsf.org/johns. This account will soon be deleted.
2013-01-23T16:04:22+00:00 in Boston, United States To: a(n) person, Public
Our awesome intern Yi may have worked around the identi.ca bug that was blocking subs to me on the !FSF server: http://ur1.ca/ax55tArne Babenhauserheide, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Arne Babenhauserheide, Arne Babenhauserheide shared this.
it says "Error" when i try to subscribe on the fsf status.net server.Worked first try. Yay Yi! What was the workaround?Mike Linksvayer at 2013-01-23T16:49:00+00:00
Arne Babenhauserheide likes this.
John, tell me : How I can follow you in http://status.fsf.org/johns. I tried register in status.fsf.org, but it is only for invitation. and in http://status.wjsullivan.net/john it not work. Then I thinked the problem is status.net and I tried with similar software from identi.ca with your new account in https://microca.st/johns, but same it is not posible follow you there. wow ! is not easy for now follow you.2012-12-06T20:30:32+00:00 in Boston, United States To: Identi.ca Support, Public
@support Other statusnet instances can subscribe to http://status.fsf.org/{johns,fsf} but not identi.ca users. Can you investigate?Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
2012-11-15T19:59:34+00:00 in Boston, United States To: Public
My free software posts will now be at http://ur1.ca/ax55t. Other things at http://ur1.ca/5anj7.@johnsu01 looks like I (we) can't follow any status.fsf.org users from identi.ca. is that a feature or a bug? ;-)2011-09-20T18:53:12+00:00 in Boston, United States To: Free Software Foundation, Public
RD @fsf Take part in a competitive programming contest in DC this weekend! http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/code4country2011-09-16T21:20:56+00:00 To: Free Software Foundation, Public
RD @fsf #FSF speaks against patent and DRM provisions at Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiators' meeting http://ur1.ca/53t1a #tpp2011-09-16T20:48:33+00:00 To: Public
Awesomeness: Bukowski in #Boston had "fried pickles" listed under "Vegetable of the Day".2011-09-16T15:51:48+00:00 To: Stefano Maffulli, Public
RD @smaffulli: Better ban Sony Playstation from your home: keep the right to sue them if they don't protect your data http://is.gd/GWzqMo2011-09-15T21:42:00+00:00 To: Mike Linksvayer, Creative Commons, Public
♺ @mlinksva: RT @creativecommons Creative Commons BY-SA license enforced in Germany http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/286442011-09-13T14:38:41+00:00 To: a(n) person, a(n) person, Public
#RMS makes Gizmodo Australia's "10 Hackers Who Made History" list: http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2011/09/10-hackers-who-made-history/ !fsf !gnuciccio2000, ciccio2000 shared this.
@johnsu01 @rms will be so pissed to be called an “advocate for just about everything Open Source”… -> ur1.ca/52rok — it’s !freesoftware@johnsu01 heh. he won't be very happy about them lumping hackers and crackers together. plus some history is wrong2011-09-12T20:35:56+00:00 To: Public
Just saw the proof for new, improved, heavy-duty "GNU/Linux Inside" stickers for laptops etc. Much better.Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
2011-09-12T20:20:30+00:00 To: Matt Lee, Public
RD @mattl Would you like to see more support for WebM,Ogg,Vorbis,Theora and other free codecs? Join the PlayFreedom list http://ur1.ca/52iw22011-09-12T15:38:27+00:00 To: Public
rms in Wired UK: http://ur1.ca/52hof on War on Sharing: "One way people can resist is by removing the keys from their wireless networks."Tim Dobson, Tim Dobson, Osama Khalid, Osama Khalid shared this.
2011-09-10T19:24:52+00:00 To: Brett Smith, a(n) person, Public
Good luck to @brettcsmith, in Chicago today explaining !FSF opposition to #TPP to its negotiators (http://www.ustr.gov/tpp)Christopher Allan Webber, Kat Walsh likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber, Christopher Allan Webber, Kat Walsh, Kat Walsh and 2 others shared this.
♻ @johnsu01: Good luck to @brettcsmith, in Chicago today explaining #FSF opposition to #TPP to its negotiators (http://www.ustr.gov/tpp)@johnsu01, did !FSF publish anywhere its criticism of #TPP?Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA at 2011-09-10T21:46:22+00:00
2011-09-07T17:45:59+00:00 To: Free Software Foundation, Public
RD @fsf Haven't signed our #ThisAmericanLife petition? Now's the time to get in the first signatures sent: http://ur1.ca/4ygg4 @ThisAmerLife2011-09-07T15:11:02+00:00 To: Free Software Foundation, Public
RD @fsf Fall #internship positions are still open—apply today! Deadline Sep. 14. http://ur1.ca/512mg #fsf #gnu2011-09-02T22:20:23+00:00 To: a(n) person, a(n) person, Public
Your @ThisAmerLife petition signature is now displayed as soon as you confirm it: 787 and counting... http://ur1.ca/4ynca !fsf !playogg2011-09-02T17:12:23+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
First !FSF #FreeSoftwareFriday was a success -- close to 400 GNU/Linux discs distributed to downtown #Boston!Christopher Allan Webber, Christopher Allan Webber, Máirín, Máirín shared this.
2011-09-02T15:41:09+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
About to head out with !FSF staff for our first #FreeSoftwareFriday -- handing out copies of GNU/Linux to people in downtown #Boston.Osama Khalid likes this.
صهيب, صهيب, Osama Khalid, Osama Khalid shared this.
♻ @johnsu01: About to head out with #FSF staff for our first #FreeSoftwareFriday -- copies of GNU/Linux-libre to people in downtown Boston2011-09-02T14:20:20+00:00 in Boston, United States To: GNU MediaGoblin, Public
RD @mediagoblin #GNU #MediaGoblin v0.0.5 "Visions of the Future" released! Our most exciting release yet! http://ur1.ca/504uqChristopher Allan Webber likes this.
2011-09-01T21:18:46+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
Stallman's recent visit to #Leeds, over 200 people attended: http://www.ntileeds.co.uk/blog/dr-richard-stallman-in-leeds/ !fsf #rms #gnu