Marco Castellani mcastel@identi.ca
Rome, Italy
astronomer, husband, catholic, father of four, music lower, writer. Born in Rome on November 1963
Jono Bacon jonobacon@identi.ca
Ubuntu Community Manager, Author and Musician. For the gory details, see http://www.jonobacon.org/about/
José María Serralde joseserralde@identi.ca
Mexico City, Mexico
Concert pianist / cultural promoter / technology consultant. Free technology + Free culture + liberal arts advocate.
Ubuntu One ubuntuone@identi.ca
Team account for Ubuntu One, the personal cloud that brings your digital life together.
Mario García H. code933k@identi.ca
Bogotá, Colombia
A free software geek and GNU advocate. Committed to KISS as a standard. Love science, politics, music and arts. But mostly dogs.
mhogo mchungu muungwana@identi.ca
Stav Prodromou stav@identi.ca
San Francisco Bay Area, California, United States
Open microblogging service enthusiast. I ♥ identi.ca and pump.io. Avid major league baseball fan, especially devoted to the Oakland Athletics. Go A's!
Blaise Alleyne balleyne@identi.ca
Toronto, Canada
Technologist, musician, writer, theology student, free culture/software advocate. http://status.blaise.ca/ http://blaise.ca/
Jason Riedy jasonriedy@identi.ca
East Point, United States
Researcher in social network analysis / numerical methods / parallel computing. Terminally distracted.