GNU MediaGoblin

MediaGoblin federation first demo

GNU MediaGoblin at

It might not look like much, but the screenshot above is the first demo of federation in MediaGoblin. This is using the Pump API, with MediaGoblin talking to Pump.IO!

All of Jessica Tallon's hard work is finally paying off! Whooooo!

AJ Jordan, Sajith Sasidharan, jrobb, Tyng-Ruey Chuang and 20 others likes this.

mnd, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Olivier Mehani and 6 others shared this.

Show all 8 replies

>> Christopher Allan Webber:

“@JanKusanagi Mind if I use that quote in an upcoming blogpost? :)”

Go ahead, it's licensed under Jan Public License xD

JanKusanagi at 2016-02-18T00:06:00Z

Stephen Sekula likes this.

So how does this work? Does this mean that hypothetically, a Pump user can subscribe to a MediaGoblin user?

Pretty crazy stuff.

Sean Tilley at 2016-02-18T01:24:34Z

Stephen Sekula likes this.

@Sean Tilley My understanding is that not everything works yet. But very soon, that dream should come true!

Christopher Allan Webber at 2016-02-18T01:47:45Z

Sean Tilley, Stephen Sekula likes this.

I going to use a mexican phrase to express my emotion "A toda madre!"

mickie81 at 2016-03-13T12:16:45Z