Michael Geist michaelgeist@identi.ca
Doug Whitfield daw@microca.st
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
It appears there is no way to put line breaks in the bio. I tried HTML. http://blocsonic.com http://www.musicmanumit.com http://www.netizenfed.org Still on the FLOSS Weekly Contributor email, but taking time off to plan wedding. Nagios Enterprises Employee.
gnubrunswick gnubrunswick@pumprock.net
Holger Durer hd@identi.ca
South-east England, United Kingdom
Father, husband, programmer. Interests: Free software, privacy and related politics, programming (mainly Lisps). Talk to me in English, German, or Esperanto.
Joshua Gay joshuagay@identi.ca
New Haven, CT. USA.
I'm interested in free software & free textbooks. I live in New Haven, CT USA.
The Waterloo Region Chapter of the Ubuntu Canada LoCo ubuntuwaterloo@identi.ca
Waterloo, Canada
Follow us for news of jams and release parties, and stuff of interest to Ubuntu users in Waterloo Region.
Techrights' IRC Aggregator boycottnovell@identi.ca
Manchester, United Kingdom
Aggregator for #techrights (FreeNode) at techrights.org, formerly #boycottnovell (FreeNode) for the Boycott Novell campaign.
Marie Axelsson maloki@identi.ca
Vänsjö, Sweden
Geeky linux gurl. Semiinlove with ubuntu. Write a lot. About everything! Now addicted to #GuildWars2
grmpyoldman (Tysk Gamlingen) grmpyoldman@identi.ca
Tysk medlem 海盗党 but also tied to my LoveleyYoungWoman
Wayne Borean wayneborean@identi.ca
Cobalt, Canada
I like dogs, cats, books, filk music, computers, my wife, and children. Oh, and hockey. Can't forget hockey! Go Leafs Go!
Brandon Atreides marxistcanada@identi.ca
Canadian researcher who is exposing marxist socialist traitors and government plans such as chemical spraying from military aircraft.