2013-03-16T14:22:58+00:00 via BitlBee To: Gordon Sinclair, Public
@thistleweb how's it going man? haven't talked with in awhile #sad@xface yeah it's been a while, I'm ok, you?2013-03-02T05:03:17+00:00 via web To: Public
US trade office calls for #ACTA to return from the the dead, and Canada is poised to comply. https://eff.org/r.b7KdRicardo Chung likes this.
Christopher Chaw, Christopher Chaw, XFaCE, XFaCE shared this.
2013-03-02T05:03:17+00:00 via web To: Public
US trade office calls for #ACTA to return from the the dead, and Canada is poised to comply. https://eff.org/r.b7KdRicardo Chung likes this.
Christopher Chaw, Christopher Chaw, XFaCE, XFaCE shared this.
2013-03-02T05:02:33+00:00 via web To: Public
#ACTA legislation introduced by #Harper http://ur1.ca/cxvg3 - just another day of money corrupting politics in #Canada #MAFIAAChristopher Chaw, Christopher Chaw shared this.
2013-02-14T17:25:18+00:00 via web To: Public
Dr. Roy Schestowitz shared by XFaCE at 2013-02-12T20:57:22+00:00 via web To: Public
Despite Protests, Congress To Bring Back #CISPA Exactly As It Was Last Year, While #Obama Signs Exec Order https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20130212/02540821948/despite-protests-congress-to-bring-back-cispa-exactly-as-it-was-last-year-while-obama-signs-exec-order.shtmlJose R Rodriguez, Jose R Rodriguez, XFaCE, XFaCE shared this.
And at the same time, #HarperGovernment to bring back #LawfulAccess under new name. http://ur1.ca/csgen Great day for corrupt politicians.XFaCE at 2013-02-12T20:56:09+00:00
Dr. Roy Schestowitz likes this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz shared by XFaCE at 2013-02-12T20:57:22+00:00 via web To: Public
Despite Protests, Congress To Bring Back #CISPA Exactly As It Was Last Year, While #Obama Signs Exec Order https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20130212/02540821948/despite-protests-congress-to-bring-back-cispa-exactly-as-it-was-last-year-while-obama-signs-exec-order.shtmlJose R Rodriguez, Jose R Rodriguez, XFaCE, XFaCE shared this.
And at the same time, #HarperGovernment to bring back #LawfulAccess under new name. http://ur1.ca/csgen Great day for corrupt politicians.XFaCE at 2013-02-12T20:56:09+00:00
Dr. Roy Schestowitz likes this.
Glyn Moody shared by XFaCE at 2013-02-12T19:47:20+00:00 via web To: Public
Despite Protests, Congress To Bring Back CISPA Exactly As It Was Last Year, While Obama Signs Exec Order - http://bit.ly/XwvZH2 & so it goesDennis Bournique likes this.
Mitch Featherston, Mitch Featherston, XFaCE, XFaCE shared this.
Glyn Moody shared by XFaCE at 2013-02-12T19:47:20+00:00 via web To: Public
Despite Protests, Congress To Bring Back CISPA Exactly As It Was Last Year, While Obama Signs Exec Order - http://bit.ly/XwvZH2 & so it goesDennis Bournique likes this.
Mitch Featherston, Mitch Featherston, XFaCE, XFaCE shared this.
laurelrusswurm shared by XFaCE at 2013-02-12T19:47:17+00:00 via web To: Public
Video Contest: tell !Canada why we need proportional representation now! http://ur1.ca/csgk2 !CDNpoli !FairVoteJustin Trudeau's position is quite sad; like you said, either ignorant or power-driven http://ur1.ca/csh9ilaurelrusswurm shared by XFaCE at 2013-02-12T19:47:17+00:00 via web To: Public
Video Contest: tell !Canada why we need proportional representation now! http://ur1.ca/csgk2 !CDNpoli !FairVoteJustin Trudeau's position is quite sad; like you said, either ignorant or power-driven http://ur1.ca/csh9i2013-02-12T18:54:29+00:00 via web To: Public
Bill C-30 is dead http://ur1.ca/csgem ... long live Bill C-30 (C-55) http://ur1.ca/csgen #stopharper #cdnpoli2013-02-06T22:34:05+00:00 via web To: CANADA, Public
!Canada business groups lobby for right to install spyware/malware on your personal computing property. http://ur1.ca/cploj #CPC #stopharperChristopher Chaw, Christopher Chaw shared this.
2013-01-30T15:24:53+00:00 via web To: Public
#US ISP "6 strikes": "the result of a landmark agreement between five media giants and themselves." #copyright #MAFIAA #conglomeratesGlyn Moody shared by XFaCE at 2012-11-28T16:41:56+00:00 via web To: Public
In #Finland, piracy fines are orders of magnitude higher than fines for rape, torture and murder - http://bit.ly/V6itFt staggering if trueovigia likes this.
Glyn Moody shared by XFaCE at 2012-11-28T16:41:56+00:00 via web To: Public
In #Finland, piracy fines are orders of magnitude higher than fines for rape, torture and murder - http://bit.ly/V6itFt staggering if trueovigia likes this.
Glyn Moody shared by XFaCE at 2012-11-28T16:41:49+00:00 via web To: Public
Richard O'Dwyer strikes US deal to avoid extradition - http://bit.ly/Wvg5ZV understandably, but should never have come to thisGlyn Moody shared by XFaCE at 2012-11-28T16:41:49+00:00 via web To: Public
Richard O'Dwyer strikes US deal to avoid extradition - http://bit.ly/Wvg5ZV understandably, but should never have come to thisGlyn Moody shared by XFaCE at 2012-11-28T16:41:43+00:00 via web To: Public
Canada Creates Cap On Liability For File Sharing Lawsuits - http://bit.ly/10WqR0t everywhere should have this@glynmoody what? No billion dollars from the evil file sharing teens? Crazy!Glyn Moody shared by XFaCE at 2012-11-28T16:41:43+00:00 via web To: Public
Canada Creates Cap On Liability For File Sharing Lawsuits - http://bit.ly/10WqR0t everywhere should have this@glynmoody what? No billion dollars from the evil file sharing teens? Crazy!