2014-12-10T19:37:33Z via Identi.ca Web To: CC: Followers, Public
Anyone here from #Algeria? Im thinking about coming there for a shor visit. Ive been looking through #wikivoyage https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Algeria what should one not miss while there? How is the #couchsurfing over there?Jason Self, cmhobbs, Douglas Perkins, JanKusanagi shared this.
2014-12-10T19:32:31Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2014-12-10T19:29:22Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2014-12-09T20:18:08Z via Identi.ca Web To: CC: Followers, Public
Stop believing the lies: America tortured more than 'some folks' – and covered it up - http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/dec/09/america-torture-cia-report-defenders-defenders
This piece had some serious stopping power. The last two paragraphs especially.. How fucked up is that?
#USA #CIA #tortureForna likes this.
Dana shared this.
2014-07-01T13:11:03Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
I find #identica quite useless. What happened to the hashtags and the people here?Take a look: https://identi.ca/jankusanagi/note/IpfiW7kBQYuXt6H7odMzQQ
identi.ca is just a small part of the whole Pump.io world. Things are different now, but you can find great things in the Pumpiverse =)
2014-06-14T20:33:26Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Teemu Selänteestä SDP:n uusi puheenjohtaja - https://whrl.wordpress.com/2014/06/14/teemu-selanteesta-sdpn-uusi-puheenjohtaja/ #politiikka #suomi #demokratia #sdp #kokoomus2013-08-17T18:44:03Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Someones take on my favourite #Tool song: Right In Two by Tool - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGgBI3Lnt8k&html5=True
How I love to see talented musicians doing their thing!
#music #drums2013-08-17T16:55:57Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Ota kullannuppu vähän kannabista - http://www.hs.fi/ulkomaat/Ota+kullannuppu+vähän+kannabista+/a1376633690527
"Charlotten vanhemmat saivat lopulta lapselleen kannabista. Se pelasti tytön. Charlotte on nyt kuusivuotias ja elämänsä vireessä. Hän saa aterioilla öljyn muodossa kannabiksen lajiketta, jossa huumaavan tunteen aiheuttavaa #THC -yhdistettä on vähän ja kohtauksia hillitsevää #CBD :tä paljon. Kohtaukset ovat vähentyneet pariin kuukaudessa ja ne tulevat yleensä nukkuessa. Charlotte ajaa pyörällä, syö itse ja puhuu koko ajan enemmän."
#suomi #finland #kannabis #huumeet #terveys #epilepsia2013-08-15T18:26:42Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
#ffs, how hard can it be to create custom launcher for #irssi in #gnome3 and add it to the "favourites"? Short answer: too hard.2013-08-14T10:52:18Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
So after the whole #NSA vs #lavabit thing, the question is: is there a good alternative based in #Europe or elsewhere? Cheers! #privacy #security2013-08-14T10:51:18Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Post-Snowden, time for #journalists to get smart https://www.cpj.org/security/2013/07/post-snowden-time-for-journalists-to-get-smart.php
"The most widely used such network is #Tor, a respectable tool built by #internet #freedom volunteers that is open to use by human rights activists, and also to abuse by criminal syndicates, predators, terrorists and others. To enter Tor, you must first install the Tor/ #firefox #web browser to divert your traffic through a worldwide volunteer network of servers. This conceals your location and your activities, effectively hiding you among all the other users. Tor works by encrypting and re-encrypting data multiple times as it passes through successive relays. This way the data cannot be unscrambled in transit. (Tor is so effective, in fact, that many intelligence agencies now use it for their own secure communications.) "
#Snowden #journalism #encryption #cpj2013-08-13T23:27:17Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public, Followers
Got #jitsi actually working. Big thanks go to hard wirking peeps at jitsi fot setting up their own xmpp server. Next: get my family on it too. #ftw!2013-07-17T06:21:21Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Tietovuodot ovat demokratian voiteluainetta http://www.hs.fi/kulttuuri/Tietovuodot+ovat+demokratian+voiteluainetta/a1373937488352
"Arvostettu asianajaja, edesmennyt Matti Wuori määritteli tietovuodot osuvasti: ne ovat demokratian voiteluainetta. Kun virkamies tai yrityksen työntekijä ei saa epäkohtia tai laittomuuksia korjattua virkatietä, hän kertoo asiasta toimittajalle. Julkisuus on usein ainoa keino saada muutos aikaan."
#yksityisyys #suomi #finland #demokratia #tietovuoto2013-07-15T12:47:46Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Calcio Storico 2013 Verdi vs Azzurri https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hewm44eAbmE&html5=True I guess you can call this #sport. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calcio_storico #CalcioStorico #calciofiorentino #italy #Florence2013-07-15T09:50:48Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Nearly half of #Finns intend to buy #Nokia http://yle.fi/uutiset/nearly_half_of_finns_intend_to_buy_nokia/6732576
"Just two years ago, #Finland ’s once-mighty #mobile phone maker was the only option for seven out of ten Finns considering a new phone. That figure fell sharply in 2012, before rising once again this year.
The Taloustutkimus survey found that 49 percent of Finns intend to purchase a Nokia as their next mobile phone, compared to 45 percent last year and 68 percent in 2011. Every professional group preferred Nokia with the exception of farmers, amongst whom Samsung was the most-favoured mobile brand."
Im one of the 51% who are not handing out their hard earned petty cash to the biggest, private employer in Finland. Instead Im giving my money to another Finnish company that got started in Nokia. Its called #Jolla. Maybe youve heard of it already? #suomi2013-07-10T17:10:09+00:00 via web To: Public
Kyllä me voimme - Laki sananvapauden ja yksityisyydensuojan kansainvälisestä turvaamisesta (Lex Snowden) http://ur1.ca/elekq2013-07-10T17:09:30+00:00 via web To: Public
Allekirjoita #kansalaisaloite järkeä tekijänoikeuslakiin, kiitos http://ur1.ca/cvqb02013-06-28T09:41:00+00:00 via web To: Public
#CancelNetflix: Arrested Development isn't the only thing they screwed up http://ur1.ca/egrb6 #netflix #drm #html5Glyn Moody shared by whirli at 2013-06-19T14:00:24+00:00 via web To: Public
RAP NEWS 19: Whistleblower featuring Edward #Snowden - http://bit.ly/11y28O5 fab, do not miss...whirli, Diego Naranjo shared this.