Mike Linksvayer

Mike Linksvayer at

Perhaps you need to narrow your circle further to have such bragging rights. I am excited about using Gitlab.

Admittedly most of this feeling of excitement has little to do with me using Gitlab:

* I enjoy seeing a moribund project which was sucking oxygen out of the room shut down (gitorious)
* My guess is that gitlab CE is helping several times more people get software freedom than anything before it (because it is easy to install and widely known: yes gitlab.com is marketing for EE, but also serves to make the cheap and/or informed aware of CE) and likely anything in the near feature, network effects being hard to achieve...
* ...and because gitlab has gotten pretty popular it could be a serious threat long term to Github and Altassian businesses.

I'd be much more excited by an entrant with these qualities and no proprietary version...looking forward to that but not holding my breath.

Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Richard Fontana, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, William L. Anderson likes this.