Mike Linksvayer

Mike Linksvayer at

One small thing that never ceases to (something less than amaze) me is when I see some free/open/&similar person on twitter only, and they have like 100 followers. They aren't there for the audience. Are they there to follow stars? Or hoping that a star will notice them? Probably (a) it is still nice to be able to see/potentially interact with almost anyone in one place and (b) they just don't know about any of the fragments of the federated social web, or if they do, have a bad impression. I guess I should ask some of them. (b) can be improved, yay!

Luke, jrobb, Christopher Allan Webber, Carlos Solís and 1 others likes this.

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Currently I duplicate my messages from identi.ca to other channels. Sometimes I wonder why I still do that. I will admire those who are on twitter but at the same time reject all followers there.

Tyng-Ruey Chuang at 2014-08-04T01:39:25Z

I don't get why they'd be using Twitter (or even worse Facebook) only, but until everyone that matters to you escapes the Lockiverse, I can see why someone might maintain a presence there along with federated networks.

lnxwalt@microca.st at 2014-08-04T01:54:14Z

Aaron Wolf likes this.

The federated social web can hardly compete with any of the attributes that folks value in social networks. It works for me, because I chose to not use them before I became aware of the various projects, but I can think of a lot of benefits that Twitter provides over anything federated.

And Twitter has a lot of problems, chief among them that it is not a safe space! But maybe an unsafe space with lots of people is better than a space of indeterminate safety (I've been harassed on StatusNet) with relatively few people?

maiki at 2014-08-04T02:47:59Z

So, for twitter specifically, it isn't only about "stars" in that person's situation (probably), it could also be about following interesting orgs/etc (non-people).

And the "interesting orgs/etc" category won't come to the federated socweb until they have link click tracking tools that come preconfigured to support them (aka, never). See also: https://identi.ca/eff and https://identi.ca/creativecommons and <insert any other dead attempt at fed socweb from an org here>

Greg Grossmeier at 2014-08-04T17:31:12Z