Mike Linksvayer

Mike Linksvayer at

Manually syndicating

Hey @mlinksva and @cwebber, how would I go about publishing my RSS feed to a pump.io account? I had a recipe for this before, but I can't find the packages I knew of. I am considering using various social media networks as alternatives to feed readers for the folks that use them, and I am not going to load up on closed networks before I have my federated eggs in a row. Aside: federated omelets. I suspect I'll need a a small server to poll my site, and then a pump account somewhere that has a security cert installed in a certain way (I couldn't use this on jpope's instance because of the SNI setup, but that feels like the cert dark ages now...). I was hoping one of you could point me in the right direction, or point other folks to this thread. I can also be reached at maiki@interi.org. ^_^

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