Mike Linksvayer

Mike Linksvayer at

I like to see where a link will lead before I click on it. It is disappointing that a privacy and open net promoting organization [PK] removes this feature of the web and tracks users by providing crazy redirect links in your mail such as http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp (362 char tracking URL truncated).

Interesting topics; hopefully there are plain links on your website.

Oops, linktext truncated, not link. Just obtains an animated gif blog, sadly. http://www.popculturepirate.com/

Ok, an animated gif blog with more of a point than usual.

Also, the redirect goes to the above with google tracking cruft, which I removed for your pleasure. :)

Mike Linksvayer at 2013-10-16T19:09:09Z

I'd love a browser plugin that recognizes redirect+tracking links (just would have a catalog of common shorteners, etc) and, for those links only, would go through an anonymizing proxy to get to the real destination :-).

Karl Fogel at 2013-10-16T19:36:38Z

I like the idea, but I think the practice for tracking links in mail (newsletters and the like) is for them to be unique for each recipient. Without other, harder, steps taken prior to request via anonymizing proxy, very little anonymization achieved.

Mike Linksvayer at 2013-10-17T04:12:54Z

I have been trying to find a similar tool as either browser plugin of greasemonkey script that would get around referrer tracking on sites like twitter where a slightly mangled version of the actual link text is used in the "title" field instead. Using twitter for politically charged discussion si bad enough without letting bit.ly track every link that people are interested enough to click on.

latchkeyed at 2013-10-17T13:10:34Z