mray INACTIVE :'(

mray INACTIVE at

If this graph has any meaning it isn't a good one. The W3C might be up to something, but they only standardize stuff so proper clients/servers will eventually be there in about 15 years from now.

Makes me sad.

ostfriesenmärz, Stephen Michael Kellat likes this.

Stephen Michael Kellat shared this.

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You definitively make me curious.

mray INACTIVE at 2016-08-08T07:34:39Z

Still, if you zoom in on the later part you can see that commits have started to appear again. The community is taking up development... slowly, but unsurely... :-)

sazius at 2016-08-08T10:24:18Z

James Dearing 🐲, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.

@sazius Yes, I feel optimistic there!

Christopher Allan Webber at 2016-08-08T11:00:18Z

sazius likes this.

I was going to make the same point that @sazius did. Activity is slowly picking up, and now it isn't just one person that is active, so I believe the project looks healthier now than it has since shortly after switched. at 2016-08-10T00:34:29Z

sazius likes this.