I have now spent a full half of one day using the GNOME-Shell–based version of the desktop Ubuntu session, complete with it's unremovable " 'swipe' the lock screen to wake up your screensaver, even though you're using a laptop with a tiny trackpad, rather than a phone, where you can actually swipe things" antifeature.
People put up with this fifty times a day? Half of one day, and I am already prepared to burn both projects to the ground, and salt the earth beneath them. #Egad.

No, there is not a password-entry field. This is not the lock screen by traditional desktop metaphors, this is the "curtain". It comes on when the screen blanks, except unlike an actual screensaver, it's designed to show the system clock and notifications.
Besides, typing the full password is worse than swiping, unless the user has a worryingly short password.