همید at 2013-05-22T16:08:47+00:00
این که زادهی آسیایی رو میگن جبر جغرافیاییChatterbox, NightW01F, SinaMomken, M∂hmood likes this.
همید at 2013-05-01T20:21:02+00:00
این هم تقدیم به طرفدارهای بارسا و رئال! http://9gag.com/gag/aLRxG9WNightW01F likes this.
behzad meghrazchi at 2013-05-04T17:20:21+00:00
تو ایران به جای سرویس دهنده اینترنت، سرویس کننده اینترنت داریم...call-manager, iiriix, NightW01F, amirpaia and 2 others likes this.
Debian Project at 2013-05-04T15:34:53+00:00
!Debian #wheezy - 64-bit PC (amd64) images built and ready to download & test, please go test now! http://ur1.ca/dojox - #releasingwheezyGreg Grossmeier, NightW01F, Debian Users Gang likes this.
Josué Ortega, Josué Ortega, Debian Users Gang, Debian Users Gang and 4 others shared this.
installed the amd64 LXDE isos in a virtual box (on my squeeze system). Looks good to me! #wheezytony baldwin at 2013-05-04T18:45:36+00:00
lostson likes this.
@debian Thank you so much for your work! #releasingwheezyDebian Project at 2013-04-24T19:13:16+00:00
Release date for Wheezy announced - http://ur1.ca/dicshUbuntu User, NightW01F likes this.
Javier Garcia, Javier Garcia, Daniele Micci, Daniele Micci and 18 others shared this.
iiriix at 2013-04-24T20:18:09+00:00
آلمانها مشغول پاره کردن اسپانیاییها!NightW01F likes this.
@iiriix نکنین آقا! آخر و عاقبت نداره9GAG at 2013-04-25T04:03:03+00:00
And Iiiiiiiiiiiiieiiiiiiiiiiiiiii will always.... http://t.co/lGg6Hl8KlaNightW01F likes this.
9GAG at 2013-04-18T04:53:04+00:00
Only in math problems can you buy 60 watermelons and nobody asks what the hell is wrong with you.NightW01F likes this.
Carlos Solís, Carlos Solís shared this.
M∂hmood at 2013-04-13T22:02:20+00:00
Django Unchained رو دیدم و شبمون رو ساخت.با نثار درود بیکران بر روح پر فتوح آقا تارنتینو بریم بخوابیم :-)NightW01F, letssharehopes likes this.
منم گرفتمش! اینو که گفتی دیگه میبینمش همین روزا :))mtux at 2013-04-15T02:20:10+00:00
M∂hmood likes this.
9GAG at 2013-04-14T21:33:04+00:00
Flirtationship = More than a friendship, less than a relationship.NightW01F likes this.
$ina at 2013-04-15T04:43:57+00:00
صدایی تو جهانم نیست فقط تصویر میبینمNightW01F, SinaMomken, همید likes this.
همید at 2013-04-09T15:58:33+00:00
مامان رفته مسافرت، الان من باید پاشم برنج بپزم و سیبزمینی سرخ کنم و ایناNightW01F likes this.
9GAG at 2013-03-30T17:33:05+00:00
My name is Bond, James Bond. My name is Please, B*tch Please.Marcio B. Jr., Bersam Bandari, X11R5, همید and 1 others likes this.
همید at 2013-03-28T14:59:41+00:00
پسرعمه زا میگه مگه حق تقدم با وانت آبی نیست؟! :)))behzad meghrazchi, Vahid Maani, chalist, Dalba and 5 others likes this.
M∂hmood at 2013-03-18T10:15:56+00:00
♻ @iiriix: شیوه مناسب ترک شغل - #شغل #اخلاق http://bit.ly/ZMzOFLNightW01F likes this.
9GAG at 2013-03-09T22:13:05+00:00
Harry Potter fans: I wanna go to Hogwarts. Narnia fans: I wanna go to Narnia. Hunger Games fans: Nope I'm good.NightW01F likes this.
NightW01F, NightW01F, Wilbert Isaac Cortés, Wilbert Isaac Cortés shared this.