yungsang at 2011-09-24T13:18:43+00:00
nikolat likes this.
Show all 8 replies単にバグっとるんちゃうかしらnikolat at 2011-09-24T13:50:35+00:00
yungsang likes this.
Ariel Vernaza at 2011-09-05T11:35:57+00:00
nikolat likes this.
Keisuke Mori at 2011-08-15T08:39:03+00:00
Now browsing: =TOP= of 沖縄ウエルスポーツ専門学校 Webクリエイター科ホームページ http://bit.ly/nO1b0tnikolat likes this.
@forestk ピンキリありますがあたたかい目で見てやってください(^^ヾKANZAKI, Masahide at 2011-06-13T07:45:41+00:00
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Keisuke Mori at 2011-03-10T06:19:22+00:00
We Are People, Not Machines. http://bit.ly/dQorxanikolat likes this.
KOSUGI Tomo at 2011-02-24T17:01:43+00:00
あれ, 他人の replies とか favs って, リンクが消えただけで存在してるじゃん (fav 通知のメールで気付いた)nikolat likes this.
Keisuke Mori at 2011-02-07T09:17:15+00:00
ちょwwww t.asashi.com って外部の URL でも短縮してくれるんや!画期的やで!!Takeo Monoli, nikolat likes this.
KANZAKI, Masahide at 2011-01-18T14:28:45+00:00
お笑いかと思ったら真面目なの?W3C HTML5 Logo http://www.w3.org/html/logo/nikolat likes this.
Hacker Poll: What Do You Think of the Official HTML5 Logo? http://rww.to/eXEZQj 今のところ多数意見が好意的だが、否定的な声も3割ほど