Michael (majeSTYX) majestyx@identi.ca
Anarchist „In diesem Universum liefert die Technologie auch die große Rationalisierung der Unfreiheit des Menschen.“ Herbert Marcuse
Kate J Davis eutouring@identi.ca
Clacton-on-Sea, United Kingdom
http://www.eutouring.com Kate Davis - European traveller and author of travel to guides to Paris holidays for a holiday in Paris.
Guido Arnold guido@identi.ca
Bad Vilbel, Germany
Free Software enthusiast. Particularly interested in: Free Software in education, Free Knowledge and Free Culture. I don't really use this account anymore. You'll find me more active on Diaspora: https://pod.geraspora.de/u/ga
ostfriesenmärz march@identi.ca
Eure teelichter haben mir falsche vorstellungen von erleuchtung vermittelt.
mcsox@fmrl.me mcsox@fmrl.me
South-West of Germany
(male) aka http://quitter.se/mcscx https://identi.ca/mcscx https://twitter.com/mcscx
Piraten Augsburg piratenaugsburg@identi.ca
Augsburg, Germany
Alles zu den Augsburger Piraten und zum Kreisverband der Piratenpartei in Augsburg, gegr. 14.01.2012
Martin Chen sbobet1st@identi.ca
Luis Suarez: Cynical comments sbobet give Liverpool new headache.
Jochen Hoff jochen@identi.ca
Berlin, Germany
Ich war, ich bin, ich werde sein. Letzteres allerdings biologisch begrenzt. Impressum: http://duckhome.de/tb/pages/impressum.html
Holger Durer hd@identi.ca
South-east England, United Kingdom
Father, husband, programmer. Interests: Free software, privacy and related politics, programming (mainly Lisps). Talk to me in English, German, or Esperanto.
Julian Smith clearantifog@identi.ca
Las Vegas, United States
At C-Clear we manufacture anti-fog gel and liquid for glasses. C-Clear is also an anti-static lens cleaner.