geniver shared by McScx at 11 years ago via AndStatus To: Public
mray INACTIVE likes this.
McScx shared this.
12 years ago via Identi.ca Web To: Evan Prodromou CC: Followers, Public
Here's an example https://identi.ca/mcscx/note/2EM6Zi1SQ8GXdOxX3uFEZw of how postings on identica might end unseen and some discussions might end unintentionally:
- I posted a note asking Evan a question
- Evan answered by commenting on my note
- I answered him back, by commenting again on my own original notice.
Now, I don't think Evan (who doesn't follow me) will notice that I have answered back to him -> posting doesn't reach the intended person.
It might be an idea to enable @address notation in any kind of pumpio posting (as in pre-migration dents) to address anybody also in commentsa(n) person, lnxwalt@microca.st, jrobb, Billy likes this.
mcsox@fmrl.me shared this.
Related issues:- #582 "No notifications on further comments to a note which was commented on"
- #627 "Autocompletion in comments" (same proposal as yours)
- #497 "Thread view of comment in reply to other events"
Laura Arjona Reina at 12 years ago
mcsox@fmrl.me, McScx, lnxwalt@microca.st, jrobb likes this.
12 years ago via Identi.ca Web To: Evan Prodromou CC: Public
I saw http://ur1.ca says "UR1 Database is available in tab-separated values format." So I thought it might be a good idea to try to download it. But when I click on the Database link I get a ur1.ca.txt.gz file, but it's only 33 bytes and contains no readable text, even if gunzip'ed.12 years ago via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
On #HPUX 10.x (1998): How can I force restoring a cpio archive to the current directory?
cpio -idv < /tmp/f.cpio
restores it to /, because the paths in this cpio archive all start with leading slashes. Unfortunately this version of cpio doesn't offer the --no-preserve-owner of GNU's cpio.mcsox@fmrl.me, mcsox@fmrl.me shared this.
I meant: ...doesn't offer the '--no-absolute-filenames' option of GNU's cpio. There must be still a way to extract it in current dir. It's actually an archive of another HPUX box's root filesystem and if I extract it to the local /, it will overwrite my system.12 years ago via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
I still don't 'understand' pumpio's user interface.
I commented to a dent of a person I follow. He answered by 'posted a comment in reply to a comment' as the activity panel on the right told me. (I thought I can only comment to a posting, no to a comment). I clicked the link and read what he had written. His comment appears as a new initial posting, not as a comment
But his comment on my comment doesn't appear in my normal TL. I probably would have missed his answer normally.Patricia Jung, Dr. Azrael Tod, Tyng-Ruey Chuang likes this.
Mike Linksvayer shared this.
Show all 8 repliesfurther this panel on the right is absolutely useless… "foobar favorited a note", "foobar favorited a note", "foobar favorited a note", "foobar favorited a note" - STFU OR TELL ME WHAT NOTE! I don't want to read that something happend over and over again. i want to read WHAT happendoh great… and newlines in comments aren't displayed -.- yeah, right… calling something like nl2br in the frontend would be waste of ressources anyway.12 years ago via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Jimmy Carter 2012: US’s role as global champion of human rights undermined by drones& targeted assassinations http://bit.ly/15PEnWf !politik !surveillance12 years ago via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
‘America has no functioning democracy’ – Jimmy #Carter on #NSA (now in English) http://quitter.se/url/522367 !politics !surveillance12 years ago via Puma To: Public
NSA researches from suspicious persons up to 3 hops. With 4.7 hops you can reach any person on the internet. http://m.theatlanticwire.com/politics/2013/07/nsa-admits-it-analyzes-more-peoples-data-previously-revealed/67287/
12 years ago via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
the quitter.se !statusnet instance is up&running again :)) (after being down for several hours overnight)12 years ago via Puma To: Public
now that !groups are not yet working my identica there are only very few incoming dents in my timeline
Yep, it's somewhat quiet at the moment anyway.McScx likes this.
12 years ago via Identi.ca Web CC: Public, Followers
RT (from Twitter) @granick: Revealed: how Microsoft handed the NSA access to encrypted messages http://gu.com/p/3h9xd/tw via @guardian Wow. !surveillance !privacyBenni Bärmann shared by McScx at 12 years ago via web To: Public
Eben aus aktuellem Anlass das Häkchen "nicht aufdringliche Werbung zulassen" im Adblock Plus entfernt. http://is.gd/Bwh86MMcScx shared this.
@benni Ich rate mal: war automatisch gesetzt.wako at 12 years ago
12 years ago via web To: Android OS, Public
Anyone know howto mount lost&found /sdcard/.android_security/*.asec files manually on !android?Seems to be a /dev/block/dm-0 layer somewhere12 years ago via web To: Android OS, Public
...I found (in rsync backup log) that the missing apps have disappeared from /data/system/packages.list. If re-added they disappear again.@mcscx try resstoring the .android_secure folder form your backup . this is where android stors apps on the SD card.12 years ago via web To: Android OS, Public
... I'd like to fix this problem by restoring the files causing it from the newer backup, if I knew which files. The hosts file is OK.12 years ago via web To: Android OS, Public
...I have two backups: a CWM backup dated May 3 and a rsync backup from 5 days ago of all files of the device. So there's hope.12 years ago via web To: Android OS, Public
Problem with my #Galaxy Ace: Can no longer run apps that are installed on sdcard.I ran AdAway to update the hosts file ->crash->this problem@mcscx if you can mount the Sdcard on a laptop as a harddrive (rather then MTP access) you can chkdsk/fsck it which might fix the problemDr. Roy Schestowitz shared by McScx at 12 years ago via mustard To: Public
McScx shared this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz shared by McScx at 12 years ago via mustard To: Public
Five stages https://joindiaspora.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/images/scaled_full_202fa9db13d3f787028d.jpgMcScx shared this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz shared by McScx at 12 years ago via mustard To: Public
McScx shared this.