Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas offray@identi.ca
Bogotá, Colombia
Interasado en libre cultura, modelaje informático, complejidad, cognición, comics. Docente. Consultor
2013-06-24T20:09:44+00:00 via web To: Arch Linux, Public
2013-06-24T01:04:49+00:00 via web To: Public
"the framework for the struggle against #IntellectualProperty has completely changed" #Telekommunist ManifestoAgustin Fontaine shared by Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas at 2013-06-23T13:21:55+00:00 via web To: Public
Julian Assange: "Se está interceptando el 99% de conversaciones en América Latina" http://ur1.ca/eem9aOffray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas shared this.
2013-06-21T01:08:12+00:00 via web To: Xpectro, Public
"La criptografía dejó de ser ilegal cuando los bancos empezaron a necesitarla" @xpectro2013-06-21T01:05:47+00:00 via web To: Public
En el lanzamiento del libro #Criptopunk con Pablo, Carolina y Pilar... chanfle! lo dije en voz alta ¬¬2013-06-19T21:06:48+00:00 via web To: Public
" #copyfarleft, a form of free licensing that denies free access to organizations that hold their own assets outside the commons"♻ @offray: " #copyfarleft, a form of free licensing that denies free access to organizations that hold their own assets outside the commons"2013-06-19T18:54:43+00:00 via web To: Public
" #FreeCulture cannot be sustainable in an unfree society that requires consumer goods to capture profits" #Telekommunist Manifesto2013-06-19T18:47:44+00:00 via web To: Public
" #CreativeCommons actually limits itself to promoting a more flexible model of private ownership [not common culture]" #Telekommunits M.2013-06-19T18:40:11+00:00 via web To: Public
"Creating the conditions for the expropriation of creators has always been at the root of #copyright " #Telekommunits Manifesto2013-06-18T19:46:56+00:00 via web To: Public
#Internet es mi pastor, nada me faltaráOctavio Rossell, mer0v shared this.
2013-06-18T18:37:43+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Nueva publicación de blog > La #Gobernatón: ¿Qué sigue? http://ur1.ca/ed3d6Duck Duck Go shared by Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas at 2013-06-18T18:36:58+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
We broke another traffic record yesterday: over 3M searches! Thanks to those who are spreading us! http://ur1.ca/ed2rnDalba, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Tupulpo, Marcio B. Jr. and 5 others likes this.
Mauro Panigada, Fernando dos Santos, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Colegota and 14 others shared this.
It is great I did not know this page! new Internet #search #engineTupulpo at 2013-06-19T06:38:29+00:00
X11R5 likes this.
2013-06-18T16:20:49+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
#Wikipedia doesn't need your money - so why does it keep pestering you?: http://ur1.ca/c70ds ... disturbing :-/2013-06-18T15:58:16+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Logística colapsada en #VirtualEduca. Temas interesantes, pero filas interminables. La gente se queda sin cupo para talleres y conferenciasHiperterminal shared by Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas at 2013-06-17T22:41:17+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
"Yes, we scan" Obamael3ctron, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas shared this.
2013-06-16T06:02:19+00:00 via web To: Public
2013-06-13T20:53:00+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
"You’re Not Wrong, #Microsoft, You’re Just An Asshole": http://ur1.ca/eb6rf while MS is forcing you to be connected #PS4 is not. #OuyaWay2013-06-13T20:44:27+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Se abre de nuevo el debate por la ‘Ley Lleras’ #LeyLleras4 http://ur1.ca/eb9a02013-06-13T00:45:07+00:00 via Choqok To: a(n) person, a(n) person, Jorge Ernesto Guevara Cuenca, Gloria Patricia Meneneses, Public
#Telekommunist Manifesto, a petición del público: http://ur1.ca/8zs7d cc @jegc @kleper @gpmeneses @jaimealejandroJorge Ernesto Guevara Cuenca shared this.