Cyberunions cyberunions@identi.ca
The internet....around the corner from a server
Using technology to organise networked and dynamic trade unions. FOSS and P2P.
Harold ACH dianors@identi.ca
Cotonou, Benin
Ingénieur système et expert en sécurité informatique, Blogueur et libriste, membre de la communauté open source depuis 2006
Matthew Davidson freemjd@identi.ca
Sawtell, Australia
Dot org entrepreneur, inventor of the alcoholic mocktail, a distressed asset. http://microblog.ourcoffs.org.au/mjd.
Hanns-Jörg Rohwedder danebod@identi.ca
Dortmund, Germany
Born '57, eco-pirate, danish-speaking. Member of State Parliament of Northrhine-Westphalia, Germany for Pirate Party