Michael (majeSTYX) at 2013-04-23T16:53:45+00:00
Oyun likes this.
CorrisIT at 2013-04-23T16:51:50+00:00
ManageEngine Launches Privileged Password Management Software For Managed Service Providers http://corris.it/3GrQXR | DarkReadingOyun likes this.
zoowar at 2013-04-23T16:43:30+00:00
They will annoy you more by not answering.Oyun likes this.
@Zoowar I am a much valued constituent :), the mp is obliged to answer reasonable questions.Mikael at 2013-04-23T16:45:23+00:00
!listening to Cecilia Bartoli singing Vivaldi http://youtu.be/QOMzy2iDBjMMarcelo Nogueira Dutra, Oyun likes this.
Alberto Oses N. at 2013-04-23T16:42:14+00:00
Insisto: sí existe una relación entre atentados de Boston y proyecto de atentado en Canadá http://ur1.ca/dhqflOyun likes this.
Michal Wojciechowski at 2013-04-23T16:31:25+00:00
New blog post: Monthly Donations - DAViCal and the "Friends to the Animals" Foundation > http://ur1.ca/dhqbfOyun likes this.
Gayburg at 2013-04-23T16:30:59+00:00
Francia: su Twitter diventa virale l'invito allo sterminio dei gay http://bit.ly/11z9cfa #omofobia #francia #notizieOyun likes this.
der.hans at 2013-04-23T16:30:24+00:00
Oyun likes this.
Comunidad de Software Libre, UCR at 2013-04-23T16:24:30+00:00
"Necesitamos valentía de nuestros gobernantes para acabar con la colonización tecnológica" http://ur1.ca/dhq8mOyun likes this.
raffa at 2013-04-23T16:24:31+00:00
Un député veut forcer les Suédois à uriner assis - RTL.fr http://dlvr.it/3GqkSXOyun likes this.
Franklin G. Mendoza at 2013-04-23T15:03:21+00:00
DistroWatch Development Release: !Fedora 19 Alpha http://goo.gl/Du3mPOyun likes this.
unwatched at 2013-04-23T14:55:59+00:00
#Urheberrecht: Fox lässt Cory Doctorows Roman "Homeland" aus Google-Suche entfernen (NZZ) http://unurl.org/2D8LOyun likes this.
Ahmad at 2013-04-23T14:53:09+00:00
از دانشگاه که برگشتم، مثل جنازهها افتادم و خوابیدم. لاگ هم نتونستم برم دیگه.Oyun likes this.
Ted Smith at 2013-04-23T14:53:32+00:00
banging new album promo mix from dj @@ http://ur1.ca/dhpbgOyun likes this.
Lady Zivago at 2013-04-23T14:27:29+00:00
Lenin visto da ... - Nestor Makhno- http://identi.ca/url/75723552Oyun likes this.
grmpyoldman (Tysk Gamlingen) at 2013-04-23T13:36:48+00:00
@tillide sauber genatzt! postillonisiert sozusagen :DOyun likes this.
Random Style Microblogger at 2013-04-23T13:30:06+00:00
Parodic rodin-style installation.Oyun likes this.
jorge rojas at 2013-04-23T13:24:48+00:00
Se acerca el 4G en Colombia, pero reinan los celulares ‘flecha’ - http://ur1.ca/dhoa6Oyun likes this.
Chatterbox at 2013-04-23T13:28:33+00:00
Oyun likes this.