Pandark pandark@identi.ca
French student at 42 and developer, interested in computer science, Free Software, security, Web standards, and the Internet in general. I draw, read, study, code…
Monique Brunel webatou@identi.ca
Mons, Belgium
En campagne pour des sites Web de qualité, conformes et accessibles - Mozilla Rep | Firefox, logiciels libres, formats ouverts, TIC...
Quentin THEURET quentintheuret@identi.ca
Strasbourg, France
French OpenERP, Python and PHP developer. Fan of FLOSS culture (softwares, music, movies...).
Cyrille Largillier cyrillel@identi.ca
Vert-Saint-Denis, France
Instit. Membre de Framasoft et de Sésamath. Co-webmestre d'ecole.edulibre.org
Richard Stallman Political Notes rms@identi.ca
Cambridge, United States
These are automatically posted from my blog. I don't read messages on identi.ca, please email me -- rms@gnu.org instead.
Ligue ODEBI odebi@identi.ca
Pour un internet libre. Défense des droits et libertés à l'Ere numérique.
Vincent-Xavier JUMEL vincentxavier@identi.ca
Math teacher in love with physics, computer science and technology. Promoting Free Software. Libertaire
Mathieu Lory mathcoll@identi.ca
Open source, logiciels libre, outils collaboratifs, internet 2.0