Mònica at 2011-09-16T23:39:05+00:00
Happy Software Freedom Day!!! http://softwarefreedomday.org/psimone20 likes this.
Alex Muntada, Alex Muntada, ekaia, ekaia shared this.
Quote For The Day at 2010-09-19T06:00:10+00:00
“Writing code a computer can understand is science. Writing code other programmers can understand is an art.” — Jason Gorman #Q4TD !qdragontortoise, Carlos Solís, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Klarth Cidolfas and 7 others likes this.
Shantanu Tushar, Shantanu Tushar, dragontortoise, dragontortoise and 8 others shared this.
Fuck Ur Self at 2010-09-18T18:51:14+00:00
Felicidades compañeros en el día de la libertad del software... Más q una licencia, una filosofía y una necesidad !gnu !linux !radiognupsimone20 likes this.
biella at 2010-09-15T18:58:10+00:00
A geek, a BABY, and a computer. People, this BC, Beyond Cute: http://img.0chan.ru/c/src/12842075938004.jpgpsimone20 likes this.