Thanks!! \o/
JanKusanagi at 2016-06-17T11:22:09Z
AJ Jordan likes this.
When work calms down from CRISIS OPS and lets me go back to my normal tour of duty I may spend time on backporting. We've been stumbling from one crisis to another this year without much success.
2015-11-20T14:12:19Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Quan: 21/11/2015 a les 11:00
On: Carrer Santa Eugènia 202, baixos A, Girona (OSM)
Més info:
Us hi esperem!
JanKusanagi shared this.
2015-11-12T17:15:40Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
2015-05-06T13:30:31Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers, JanKusanagi
Dianara v1.3.0 already in Debian unstable:
Enjoy it!
Douglas Perkins, Debacle, Christian - Identica, Stephen Michael Kellat likes this.
Jakukyo Friel, Krugor, Christian - Identica, Stephen Michael Kellat and 4 others shared this.
I have an Intro to Meteorology final exam to finish plus I have to wait on it to show up in Wily Werewolf for backport magic. Ubuntu-side things will be slightly delayed.
2014-09-15T09:13:55Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
When you see an ex-student that loves free software and you are a little bit guilty about that, you feel... HAPPY!
Here you have the article he has written (in Spanish): Soberanía y Software Libre: ¿afecta la informática a la independencia de los Estados?
Thanks Victor!
2014-09-07T20:49:02Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers, JanKusanagi
Dianara v1.2.3 already in Debian unstable:
Enjoy it!
debexpert, B. Ross Ashley, jrobb, anxel g and 7 others likes this.
Scorpio20, Douglas Perkins, Stephen Michael Kellat, n2t shared this.
I'll go ahead and get that copied to ppa:skellat/flow1 since we're in mostly terminal stage freezes for Utopic Unicorn now.
Stephen Michael Kellat at 2014-09-08T02:53:50Z
B. Ross Ashley likes this.
2014-07-06T10:02:13Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
During BCN Minidebconf, 3 speakers were interviewed by Open Thoughts.
These 3 interviews are already available, enjoy them!
Where chaos and innovation meet, by Allison Randal, software developer and author.
Strive for excellence: on collaborative work in Debian, by Francesca Ciceri, Debian user, developer and translator.
Free software and publishing: the case of Libre Graphics magazine, by Ana Isabel Carvalho, designer and co-editor, Libre Graphics magazine.
RiveraValdez likes this.
RiveraValdez shared this.
2014-04-26T15:59:21Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Concentració a les portes del judici
Jutjat Social 26
dimarts 29 d'abril a les 11 hores
Rda Sant Pere 52, 2 planta
Arriba l'1 de maig i segueixen havent injustícies laborals arreu...
n2t likes this.
EVAnaRkISTO, Simó Albert i Beltran shared this.
2014-04-23T10:21:09Z via Dianara To: Public, JanKusanagi CC: Followers
Dianara v1.2.0 is already uploaded to Debian Sid:
It will be available in Debian repos soon :-)
Miguel Ángel Ordóñez Moya, n2t, Francisco M García Claramonte, JMobile likes this.
SombreKnave, SombreKnave, Simó Albert i Beltran, Simó Albert i Beltran and 1 others shared this.
2014-02-02T09:23:53Z via Dianara To: Public CC: a(n) collection
I've just made a donation to MiniDebConf Barcelona 2014:
It's easy and will help to have a great event :-)))
Simó Albert i Beltran likes this.
Stefano Zacchiroli, Simó Albert i Beltran shared this.
2014-01-31T08:58:07Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Are you planning to come to MiniDebConf Barcelona on March 15th and 16th?
Don't forget to add yourself to the Participants list !
Simó Albert i Beltran likes this.
Simó Albert i Beltran, EVAnaRkISTO shared this.
2014-01-27T09:58:01Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Are you planning to attend to MiniDebConf in Barcelona? You may apply to Women in Tech Conference and Travel Grants of Google.
Deadline: Feb 10th
And if you do... think about giving a talk during the conference as well :)
n2t likes this.
EVAnaRkISTO, Simó Albert i Beltran shared this.
2013-11-10T23:24:48Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Jakukyo Friel, n2t, JanKusanagi, yahya69 and 1 others likes this.
Danc, Stefano Zacchiroli, n2t, n2t shared this.
2013-10-14T22:06:42Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Happy Ada Lovelace Day! Meet some of the "women behind Debian"!
unilliure shared by Mònica at 2013-07-05T07:14:58+00:00 via web To: Public
Mònica shared this.
2013-07-02T09:33:20+00:00 via web To: Public
Miguel Ángel Ordóñez Moya likes this.
2013-07-02T09:32:35+00:00 via web To: Public
tuttle shared by Mònica at 2013-06-27T21:16:56+00:00 via api To: Public
Mònica shared this.
2013-06-19T07:43:37+00:00 via web To: Public
Miguel Ángel Ordóñez Moya likes this.
SiscoGarcia shared this.