qarrtsiluni literary magazine qarrtsiluni@identi.ca
News about qarrtsiluni, its contributors, and items of related interest. Q. is an online lit mag with a continuous publication pattern.
2013-05-23T00:06:08+00:00 To: Public
Poetry finally joining e-book revolution (AP): http://ur1.ca/dzofv2013-05-17T15:14:42+00:00 To: Public
Lissa Kiernan's poem "Witness" from our Animals in the City issue has been made into a videopoem http://ur1.ca/dwgux by @Swoon_Bildos2013-04-22T19:57:14+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
Remember to follow @qarrtsilunifeed if you want links for all the posts as they appear.Evan Prodromou likes this.
2013-04-22T19:42:23+00:00 To: Public
We're back! Qarrtsiluni's Animals in the City issue began to appear on the site today: http://ur1.ca/dhd862012-09-13T02:20:22+00:00 To: Public
Qarrtsiluni has now published more than 800 contributors.2012-09-01T21:35:24+00:00 To: Sherry Chandler, Public
Qarrtsiluni is open for submissions on the theme of Animals in the City, ed. by David Cazden and @BluegrassPoet http://wp.me/p6kvT-3I22012-07-30T19:03:14+00:00 To: Public
Turns out you CAN post Flash animations on WordPress.com (see todays' qarrtsiluni). Here's how: http://is.gd/h9q01c #Panos #WordPressTips2012-07-19T20:01:57+00:00 To: Public
I counted up as many of our subscribers+followers as I could find: 4208! Actual daily circulation: maybe 300? http://is.gd/Cbo9oI2012-07-16T17:40:10+00:00 To: Public
Our guest editors have responded to all submissions for the Fragments issue. If you never heard anything, check your spam folder & email us.2012-07-14T02:29:42+00:00 To: Public
On Thursday we published our 1500th post. Our first was on Sept. 20, 2005, an essay by Beth Adams: http://wp.me/p6kvT-42012-06-05T15:17:06+00:00 To: Public
Qarrtsiluni Fragments issue editor @cednie 's blog is now back online at http://ur1.ca/9g6c0 —go visit!2012-01-26T21:29:09+00:00 To: Public
Yesterday the last post in our Worship issue; today we kick off our Imitation issue. Follow by email & never miss a post. qarrtsiluni.comDave Bonta, Dave Bonta shared this.
2011-12-01T16:54:17+00:00 To: Public
Congratulations to our 2011 Pushcart Prize nominees: http://wp.me/p6kvT-3lb2011-11-21T20:02:08+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
Ice and Gaywings by Ken Pobo, winner of our 2011 !poetry chapbook contest, is now available online and in print: http://wp.me/p6kvT-3k3Brent Reynolds, Brent Reynolds shared this.
2011-10-17T23:37:17+00:00 To: Public
Qarrtsiluni's 5th major redesign is our mod of WordPress.com's mod of a Tumblr theme. Feedback welcome--we're still tinkering.Sherry Chandler shared by qarrtsiluni literary magazine at 2011-09-15T12:46:42+00:00 via web To: Public
All night the gurgle of a gentle rain. Turkeys cluck from their roost in the fencerow, indifferent to the house, its human smells & noises.qarrtsiluni literary magazine, qarrtsiluni literary magazine shared this.
2011-09-14T14:34:40+00:00 To: Public
Our annual links page makeover: http://qarrtsiluni.com/links/ New additions: Coldfront, Fiddleblack, Escape Into Life, Whale Sound.2011-09-13T19:54:18+00:00 To: Public
We've just released a videopoem/trailer for the 2011 chapbook contest winner, Ice & Gaywings: http://wp.me/p6kvT-3ar #videopoetry #filmpoemDave Bonta, Dave Bonta shared this.
2011-09-01T18:33:59+00:00 To: Public
Announcing the 2011 Qarrtsiluni Chapbook Contest Winners: http://wp.me/p6kvT-394 Congrats to Ken Pobo, Iris Law, and all the finalists.2011-05-24T15:40:25+00:00 To: Public
Only three more weeks to enter qarrtsiluni's 3rd annual poetry chapbook contest, judged by Luisa A. Igloria: http://wp.me/P6kvT-2YQ