qarrtsiluni literary magazine qarrtsiluni@identi.ca
News about qarrtsiluni, its contributors, and items of related interest. Q. is an online lit mag with a continuous publication pattern.
Kate J Davis eutouring@identi.ca
Clacton-on-Sea, United Kingdom
http://www.eutouring.com Kate Davis - European traveller and author of travel to guides to Paris holidays for a holiday in Paris.
Dave Riddell tentillum@identi.ca
Bamfield, Canada
Environmental scientist and educator | Musician and photographer
Jason Riedy jasonriedy@identi.ca
East Point, United States
Researcher in social network analysis / numerical methods / parallel computing. Terminally distracted.
Dr. Yoshev Omed tinydoctor@identi.ca
I'm a Pentecostal Atheist putting on a tent show revival speaking in tongues & witnessing to the Word of not god but the Mammon of meaning
Sherry Chandler bluegrasspoet@identi.ca
I love goldenrod, black-eyed susan, and the old worn-down mountains of the east.
Hippy Steve exador23@identi.ca
Los Angeles, United States
Home is now brainbird, where language and clear communication isn't under attack by an arbitrarily small character limit.
Dave Bonta morningporch@identi.ca
Plummer's Hollow, Pennsylvania
The view from my front porch first thing in the morning. davebonta.com.