2013-07-15T13:53:55Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2013-07-09T01:25:22+00:00 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil via Gwibber To: Public
EUA são suspeitos de ter mantido centro de espionagem em Brasília http://is.gd/Cna0Dr #prism #brazil2013-06-29T17:27:04+00:00 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil via Gwibber To: Public
Rede Espírito Livre shared by Rafael Raposo at 2013-06-26T01:53:34+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
EUA ameaçam países que ajudarem Snowden http://ur1.ca/efustRafael Raposo shared this.
2013-06-25T01:33:19+00:00 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil via Gwibber To: Public
Wikileaks ajuda Eduard Snowden a sair de Hong Kong rumo a Moscou. Equador analisa pedido de asilo político. http://is.gd/lUWE8U #prismRede Espírito Livre shared by Rafael Raposo at 2013-06-19T02:07:57+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
Por que a privacidade importa http://ur1.ca/ed2wsRafael Raposo shared this.
Rede Espírito Livre shared by Rafael Raposo at 2013-06-14T01:27:48+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
Mozilla, EFF e 86 entidades lançam campanha contra vigilância dos EUA http://ur1.ca/eb7mkRafael Raposo likes this.
Rafael Raposo shared this.
2013-06-11T00:48:15+00:00 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil via Gwibber To: Public
fsf shared by Rafael Raposo at 2013-06-07T23:32:34+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
Our official statement on PRISM and what you can do to protect your freedom and privacy -- !gnu !lp !fsf -- http://u.fsf.org/ifTupulpo, Rafael Raposo, a(n) person, Ch Iossif and 2 others likes this.
MATTEO BECHINI, Colegota, EVAnaRkISTO, victorhck and 12 others shared this.
@fsf No mention of !Friendica, #YaCy or @OwnCloud - omission or intentional?Carlos Solís at 2013-06-07T22:28:44+00:00
Erkan Yılmaz likes this.
@cyberkiller Either I am lucky with the instance I'm into, or the bug is provider-specific. The speed is acceptable in my case.John Sullivan shared by Rafael Raposo at 2013-06-03T20:44:48+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
How DHS monitors social networking sites: http://u.fsf.org/hyRafael Raposo shared this.
Rede Espírito Livre shared by Rafael Raposo at 2013-05-20T21:54:41+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
Vem aí o V Fórum de Software Livre de Duque de Caxias http://ur1.ca/dy6ngRafael Raposo, Rafael Raposo shared this.
Rede Espírito Livre shared by Rafael Raposo at 2013-05-20T21:54:41+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
Vem aí o V Fórum de Software Livre de Duque de Caxias http://ur1.ca/dy6ngRafael Raposo, Rafael Raposo shared this.
Rede Espírito Livre shared by Rafael Raposo at 2013-05-19T16:18:25+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
Google é processado nos EUA por coletar sem consentimento dados de usuários http://ur1.ca/dxb8aRafael Raposo, Rafael Raposo shared this.
Rede Espírito Livre shared by Rafael Raposo at 2013-05-19T16:18:25+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
Google é processado nos EUA por coletar sem consentimento dados de usuários http://ur1.ca/dxb8aRafael Raposo, Rafael Raposo shared this.
2013-05-15T22:43:17+00:00 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil via Gwibber To: Public
Use o Skype com cuidado: a Microsoft está lendo tudo o que você escreve http://is.gd/NOjnCi #microsoft #skype #privacidadeRede Espírito Livre shared by Rafael Raposo at 2013-05-04T23:41:18+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
Aberta a chamada de trabalhos para o V FSLDC - Fórum de Software Livre de Duque de Caxias http://ur1.ca/doo65Rafael Raposo, Rafael Raposo shared this.
Rede Espírito Livre shared by Rafael Raposo at 2013-05-04T23:41:18+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
Aberta a chamada de trabalhos para o V FSLDC - Fórum de Software Livre de Duque de Caxias http://ur1.ca/doo65Rafael Raposo, Rafael Raposo shared this.
2013-04-28T22:04:56+00:00 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil via Gwibber To: Public
2013-04-25T00:56:47+00:00 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil via web To: Public
Nova versão da LibreOffice Magazine http://identi.ca/url/75732852 #libreoffice