Kate J Davis eutouring@identi.ca
Clacton-on-Sea, United Kingdom
http://www.eutouring.com Kate Davis - European traveller and author of travel to guides to Paris holidays for a holiday in Paris.
Stefano Costa steko@identi.ca
Archaeologist: pottery, quantitative methods, GIS, free libre open source, open data.
hochgeschwindigkeitsseo von profis hochgeschwindigkeitsseo@identi.ca
Steinrode, Germany
Wir lieben HochgeschwindigkeitsSEO und deswegen können wir es auch so super toll!
Vincent OpenSourcier opentruc@identi.ca
Sisteron, France
Actualité du DIY, de l'open source et du libéralisme. Libéral, Libertarien.
Goteo. Crowdfunding the commons goteofunding@identi.ca
Barcelona, Spain
Financiación colectiva para el beneficio colectivo (procomún). Open Crowdfunding social network soon in full english!
Francesco Chicchiriccò ilgrosso@identi.ca
Miglianico, Italy
Open Source addicted, ASF Member, Apache Syncope PMC chair, Apache Cocoon and Olingo PMC Member, from Abruzzo forte e gentile :-)
gregor herrmann gregoa@identi.ca
Innsbruck, Europe
Debian Developer. European citizen. OpenPGP key 0xBB3A68018649AA06. Content under CC-BY-SA 4.0.
Reynaldo Cordero naldoco@identi.ca
Wouter Tebbens wtebbens@identi.ca
Barcelona, Spain
aims to contribute to the building of a Free Knowledge Society, based on intellectual freedom, access to knowledge, participation, community, voluntary engagement, peer production, liberated markets, cryptocurrencies, complementary currencies, commons governance, transparency, solidarity, abundance, renewable energy, sustainability http://freeknowledge.eu/