Billy at 2011-08-16T19:55:33+00:00
Securing an Ubuntu Server http://www.andrewault.net/2010/05/17/securing-an-ubuntu-server/ !Ubuntu !Linuxremin raphael likes this.
michelenlared shared this.
Gabriel Saldana at 2010-09-03T05:48:34+00:00
make voip calls from !emacs http://ur1.ca/1h36rZach Oglesby, Jesús E. Franco Martínez, remin raphael likes this.
RD @gabrielsaldana: make voip calls from emacs http://ur1.ca/1h36r@gabrielsaldana nomam.s ya lo probaste? :o y que tal jala? como lo ves, si es una alternativa a ekiga?herrgruen at 2010-08-27T17:20:22+00:00
Play all mp3 files in reverse order: $ ls -1 -r *.mp3 > mp3.rev && mplayer -playlist mp3.rev !cli !linuxremin raphael likes this.
Jon Phillips at 2010-08-19T20:23:08+00:00
Inside StatusNet: How Identi.ca Works http://ping.fm/WUOEwremin raphael likes this.
Tomasz Dudzik at 2010-06-27T15:05:39+00:00
remin raphael likes this.
@sheytan blur? is that *blur*? omgwtfbbq! finally! :DStefan Pampel at 2010-06-14T10:18:09+00:00
remin raphael likes this.
Fabian Rodriguez at 2010-05-05T06:07:59+00:00
Using #VMWare or #VirtualBox ? Many !Ubuntu and other !Linux VMs are available here: http://linhost.info/vmware/remin raphael likes this.
Brooke Vibber at 2010-05-04T19:44:02+00:00
!StatusNet 0.9.2 is officially released! http://status.net/2010/05/04/statusnet-0-9-2-releasedremin raphael likes this.
Zach Copley, Zach Copley shared this.
Jonas Jared Jacek at 2010-03-25T11:42:58+00:00
Just tested the !Google Bookmarks http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/03/collaborative-bookmarking-with-lists.html nothing big #lameremin raphael likes this.
Kubuntu Netbook at 2010-03-18T03:46:30+00:00
http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-netbook/daily-live/current/ need testing for !Kubuntu !Netbook beta 1.remin raphael likes this.
@kubuntunetbook OK, will download and test tomorrow. Right now I need some sleep. Can't wait to get rid of the Gnome-based UNR.remin raphael at 2010-03-05T05:25:52+00:00
remin raphael likes this.
remin raphael at 2010-01-17T03:39:56+00:00
remin raphael likes this.
bigbrovar at 2009-11-19T07:05:35+00:00
♻ @arstechnica: Good karma: an in-depth review of Ubuntu 9.10 - http://arst.ch/a67remin raphael likes this.
bgryderclock at 2009-09-21T04:16:15+00:00
This makes me want to try Arch !Linux again. http://is.gd/3vwRNremin raphael likes this.
Steven Gardig at 2009-09-21T01:49:15+00:00
Mark Shuttleworth Announces Ubuntu 10.04: Lucid Lynx http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l02bhwofEqw !ubuntuBenjamin Danon, Eduard Grebe, X11R5, remin raphael likes this.
Tomasz Dudzik at 2009-09-16T11:36:08+00:00
remin raphael likes this.
remin raphael at 2009-08-07T04:40:36+00:00
SAFENTRIX: It’s Time to Kill e-mail Spam, for Free! http://www.safentrix.com/index.htmlremin raphael likes this.
remin raphael at 2009-08-06T11:22:26+00:00
#Iptables Graphical Front End: Vuurmuur http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/08/iptables-graphical-front-end-vuurmuur.htmlremin raphael likes this.
remin raphael at 2009-07-18T04:47:44+00:00
remin raphael likes this.