Ricardo Dias Marques ricmarques@identi.ca

Vale do Abelha, Portugal

Working on Linux Admin, Koha and VMware virtual machines


  • RuiSeabra RuiSeabra@p.1407.org

    Lisbon, Portugal

    Professional sysadmin during the day; Free Software advocate, current president of https://ANSOL.org/, father and other adventurous stuff by night with a strong interest in civil rights, namely in the (broadly ignored) digital scene.

  • michelenlared michelenlared@identi.ca

    Gūshdūn, Iran

    / Open Source / backgammon - tennis player / User Android - HTC - / gnu/linux # 498226 - Linux machine # 409830 /

  • Vasco Dias vascorsd@identi.ca

    Lisbon, Portugal

    Random dents about free software, anime and manga.

  • Gerardo Lisboa gvlx@identi.ca

  • Lopo Lencastre de Almeida lopo@identi.ca

    Alhos Vedros, Portugal

    Web technologist and open source advocate. More at http://www.linkedin.com/in/humaneasy

  • Mitchell McKenna mitchellmckenna@identi.ca

    Software Developer, Web Designer, Informatics, Tech Junkie, Social Media

  • Erkan Yılmaz erkanyilmaz@identi.ca

    Karlsruhe, Germany

    trying ... to avoid words like: only, all, always, never, forever, ...? systems, thinking http://oracle.skilledtests.com/erkanyilmaz

  • Debian Project debian@identi.ca

    Making the universal operating system, free as in freedom. ♥ The Debian identi.ca account is now fed by the Debian micronews site. Help animating this account: → http://deb.li/identica

  • Karsten Gerloff karsten@identi.ca

    Aachen, Germany

    Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) - President. Free Software, policy, strategy, patents, copyright

  • Rui Seabra ruiseabra@identi.ca


    Free Software advocate and coder.

  • microft microft@identi.ca

    Portuguese Code Monkey!

  • Bruno Miguel brunomiguel@identi.ca

    Coimbra, Portugal

    Free software evangelist; editorial coordinator in a portuguese free software blog; music lover.

  • chromatic chromatic@identi.ca

    Roberts, United States

    I never capitalize my nom de plume.

  • MJ Ray mjray@identi.ca

    Setchey, United Kingdom

    Graduate statistician, now a webmaster for software.coop (koha, django, wordpress...good thinking), activist, cyclist/cyclingfan

  • Chris Cormack ranginui@identi.ca

    Just another Free Software hacker