raspberrypiblog raspberrypiblog@identi.ca
GNU MediaGoblin mediagoblin@identi.ca
Making the world a better place through free software, decentralized, autonomous media hosting.
Vecchio Balordo veciobaeordo@identi.ca
lulu massa liberdocet@identi.ca
jumpinshark jumpinshark@identi.ca
San Donato in Fronzano, Italy
Just another weblog writer (in italiano)
Francesca Ciceri madamezou@identi.ca
Debian user, developer and translator, craftster, anarchist, social scientist, zombie-movies nerd, fan fiction addicted. Also: guitar, guitar, guitar, some trumpet, and tons of music in general.
anonimoconiglio (Santiago) anonimoconiglio@identi.ca
Born in Argentina, lives in Italy, from bad to worse. Blog che soffre di logorrea, costretto a non superare i 140 caratteri. Linux, Politica
Dr. Roy Schestowitz schestowitz@identi.ca
Manchester, United Kingdom
Software Engineer, interdisciplinary researcher, and an advocate of fair competition
Cavallette Blog cavallette@identi.ca
San Donato in Fronzano, Italy
il blog di Autistici/Inventati privacy, anonimato, libertà digitali e non