Rui Seabra

Rui Seabra at

I'm amazed is still working. It's nice, in a way. But apparently the same bugs persist. :(

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>> Rui Seabra:

“Please don't make me laugh, that list is a list of mostly dead apps.”

If you say so...

(the magic of editing...)

JanKusanagi at 2016-06-08T20:55:14Z

I didn't say all were dead, but most do look like the part. Your's is probably the exception :)

Rui Seabra at 2016-06-08T21:17:47Z

Yours, I mean. Unfixable typos in comments, another bug. :(

Rui Seabra at 2016-06-08T21:21:58Z

>> Rui Seabra:

“Yours, I mean. Unfixable typos in comments, another bug. :(”

Again, web interface limitation...

Also, not implementing something nice is not a bug. If it is, every popular social platform out there is buggy. And is not =)

JanKusanagi at 2016-06-08T21:23:29Z