Bradley M. Kuhn at 2013-05-13T20:56:03+00:00
What the hell happened to "graceful degradation"? Most websites are nearly unusable without #Javascript now. What gives?Marcio B. Jr., saftaplan, Wikimedia NYC, hellekin and 8 others likes this.
Wikimedia NYC, Wikimedia NYC, jeremyb, jeremyb and 12 others shared this.
@bkuhn And some are entirely unusable without #JavaScript. :(Talking about that, my ISP will show you a "click next to continue" image with no button if you check instructions for mail configurationUsing #javascript more can be done on the client, and less data needs to be sent to the server and back, making things faster.This kind of thing shows the FaiF Web is dead. Why does #Google ask me to install proprietary #Javascript to read text on blogspot blogs?Bradley M. Kuhn at 2013-05-21T14:55:47+00:00
Marcio B. Jr., Christopher Allan Webber, Arne Babenhauserheide likes this.
Crosbie Fitch at 2011-06-20T18:31:31+00:00
Despite draconian #copyright enforcement, we will never learn not to copy, because to learn is to copy, and we will never stop learning.saftaplan, Dimi Piraat likes this.
Sander, Sander, Dimi Piraat, Dimi Piraat and 1 others shared this.