Al-Scandar Solstag solstag@identi.ca
São Paulo, Brazil
Ni! For xmpp and e-mail: user solstag server member.fsf.org ; for diaspora: user solstag server joindiaspora.com
CitizenWeb Project cznweb@identi.ca
The Internet
Fighting for a free, secure, & decentralized Internet. Guides & software projects to help you kick your Google habit.
Nelson Pretto nelsonpretto@identi.ca
Salvador, Brazil
Professor Titular (e ativista) da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal da Bahia
Filipe Saraiva filipesaraiva@identi.ca
Teresina, Brazil
Artificial intelligence researcher. Free software advocate. KDE hacker. Anarchist dreamer. - http://filipesaraiva.info/
Appropedia.org appropedia@identi.ca
Global Village, India
Sharing Knowledge to Build Rich, Sustainable Lives. Practices & technology for green living and effective development. Most posts by Chris.
ostfriesenmärz march@identi.ca
Eure teelichter haben mir falsche vorstellungen von erleuchtung vermittelt.
Pensador Louco pensadorlouco@identi.ca
One of the weirdest guys you might find, an anarchist and free software enthusiast. Oh, and a nightmare cartoonist, too.
Grupo de Estudos de Software Livre polignu@identi.ca
Cinco Anzóis, Brazil
Grupo focado em Software, Cultura e Tecnologias livres, além de Dados Abertos
Paulo Santarém prenass@identi.ca
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Mestrando em Direito, Estado e Constituição, defende a licitude do compartilhamento de arquivos
Christopher Allan Webber cwebber@identi.ca
Madison, United States
GNU MediaGoblin founder, former Creative Commons software engineer, python hacker, free software enthusiast, maker of weird drawings See: http://dustycloud.org/ (Any pronouns are okay.)
COLIVRE - Cooperativa de Tecnologias Livres colivre@identi.ca
Salvador, Brazil
A COLIVRE é uma empresa cooperativa que presta serviços de formação e desenvolvimento de novas soluções web com softwares livres.
Adriano Soares dhyll@identi.ca
Juazeiro do Norte, Brazil
Analista de Mídias Sociais : Marketing Digital | SEO | Wordpress | @MidiasCariri | Social Media | http://fb.me/dhyll - about.me/dhyll
GNU MediaGoblin mediagoblin@identi.ca
Making the world a better place through free software, decentralized, autonomous media hosting.
Glyn Moody glynmoody@identi.ca
City of Westminster, United Kingdom
writer (Rebel Code), journalist, blogger, mostly GNU/Linux, open source, open content; the commons, copyright, patents and digital rights
Vicente Aguiar vicentedeaguiar@identi.ca
Salvador, Brazil
Baiano, fundador e gestor de projetos de mídia social da @Colivre. Pesquisador e Doutorando em Administração pela UFBA, no tempo livre.
Carolina Botero carobotero@identi.ca
Carolina is a Colombian lawyer working on law and technology, especially IP issues regarding open and free movements.
Renata Avila avilarenata@identi.ca
Renata Avila, (Guatemalan), International Human Rights and Technology Lawyer and author, Co-founder of the Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms. She is an Advisory Board member for Creative Commons. She also serves as a Global Trustee of the Think Tank Digital Future Society and a Council Member of the Progressive International. Currently, she is about to launch a global effort to democratise knowledge.