Al-Scandar Solstag solstag@identi.ca
São Paulo, Brazil
Ni! For xmpp and e-mail: user solstag server member.fsf.org ; for diaspora: user solstag server joindiaspora.com
2013-06-18T17:46:42+00:00 in São Paulo, Brazil via web To: Brasil, Public
Proíba o uso de bala de borracha e gás de efeito moral contra manifestantes - Assine o abaixo-assinado! http://chn.ge/11JnCq1fsf shared by Al-Scandar Solstag at 2013-06-18T17:45:48+00:00 via web To: Public
New !GNU MediaGoblin release! 0.4.0 "Hall of the Archivist" features document and presentation support! !lp !fsf -- http://u.fsf.org/ioDavid Black, Sean Tilley, Fabian Rodriguez, Al-Scandar Solstag and 1 others likes this.
David Black, bjavotte, Sean Tilley, l30bravo and 5 others shared this.
2013-06-03T18:08:52+00:00 in São Paulo, Brazil via web To: Public
Esta sexta-feira, 7 de junho, teremos o encontro nacional e formativo do grupo de trabalho em Ciência Aberta. Venham! http://ur1.ca/e64neAl-Scandar Solstag likes this.
2013-05-23T16:33:53+00:00 in São Paulo, Brazil To: Brasil, Public
Ultimo dia pra apoiar o "Transite: os brasileiros e suas bicicletas", tamos quase lá! http://ur1.ca/e052b2013-04-17T00:54:23+00:00 in São Paulo, Brazil To: Universidade de São Paulo, Public
Al-Scandar Solstag likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber shared by Al-Scandar Solstag at 2013-04-17T00:51:06+00:00 To: Public
MediaGoblin soon gunning for Slideshare's domain with our upcoming document support http://ur1.ca/depsbStephen Michael Kellat, Tyng-Ruey Chuang likes this.
Al-Scandar Solstag, Al-Scandar Solstag, Stephen Michael Kellat, Stephen Michael Kellat and 2 others shared this.
Show all 7 replies@cwebber but, pdf != presentation/slideshare. More GMG is gunning (sic) for docstor/scribd.Greg Grossmeier at 2013-04-16T20:09:23+00:00
Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Very impressive #PDF document support in !MediaGoblin http://ur1.ca/depsb (and as always, the code is simple and gorgeous)Valentin Villenave at 2013-04-16T20:56:31+00:00
Demuxer blogspot.com likes this.
#Freesoftware #freeculture people: no need of #nonfree slideshare, speakerdeck! #PDF support coming to !Mediagoblin yay! http://ur1.ca/depsbLaura Arjona Reina at 2013-04-16T21:06:24+00:00
Stephen Michael Kellat likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber shared by Al-Scandar Solstag at 2013-04-17T00:51:06+00:00 via web To: Public
MediaGoblin soon gunning for Slideshare's domain with our upcoming document support http://ur1.ca/depsbStephen Michael Kellat, Tyng-Ruey Chuang likes this.
Al-Scandar Solstag, Al-Scandar Solstag, Stephen Michael Kellat, Stephen Michael Kellat and 2 others shared this.
Show all 7 replies@cwebber but, pdf != presentation/slideshare. More GMG is gunning (sic) for docstor/scribd.Greg Grossmeier at 2013-04-16T20:09:23+00:00
Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
Very impressive #PDF document support in !MediaGoblin http://ur1.ca/depsb (and as always, the code is simple and gorgeous)Valentin Villenave at 2013-04-16T20:56:31+00:00
Demuxer blogspot.com likes this.
#Freesoftware #freeculture people: no need of #nonfree slideshare, speakerdeck! #PDF support coming to !Mediagoblin yay! http://ur1.ca/depsbLaura Arjona Reina at 2013-04-16T21:06:24+00:00
Stephen Michael Kellat likes this.
2013-04-02T16:25:13+00:00 in São Paulo, Brazil To: Open Knowledge Foundation, Forum Internacional Software Livre, Wikimedia Brasil, Public
2013-03-29T23:49:32+00:00 in São Paulo, Brazil To: Brasil, Wikimedia Brasil, O Bananal, só tem um!, São Paulo, Public
Restam apenas 3 dias para apoiar o Baixo Centro 2013!!! http://ur1.ca/d7h5m !sampa !wmbr !brasil !bananalHilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
2013-03-14T04:16:32+00:00 To: Public
Vertical Video Syndrome - A PSA http://youtu.be/Bt9zSfinwFA Really really funny!!! And an important message.Dr. Roy Schestowitz shared by Al-Scandar Solstag at 2013-03-13T03:28:32+00:00 via web To: Public
"Kids should be able to program. Kids should be able to install Gentoo. We're trying to build a 1337 super race!" http://tuxradar.com/content/open-ballot-what-does-education-needJames Robertson, Al-Scandar Solstag, Steven Kastin likes this.
Al-Scandar Solstag, Al-Scandar Solstag shared this.
♺ @schestowitz "Kids should be able to program…install !GNU/ !Linux !Gentoo. We're trying to build a 1337 super race!" http://ur1.ca/d1t91Jose R Rodriguez at 2013-03-12T23:55:12+00:00
Steven Kastin likes this.
Back in my days, you knew something about Linux if you could install Gentoo. Now every damn kid can do it! #rantDr. Roy Schestowitz likes this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz shared by Al-Scandar Solstag at 2013-03-13T03:28:32+00:00 To: Public
"Kids should be able to program. Kids should be able to install Gentoo. We're trying to build a 1337 super race!" http://tuxradar.com/content/open-ballot-what-does-education-needJames Robertson, Al-Scandar Solstag, Steven Kastin likes this.
Al-Scandar Solstag, Al-Scandar Solstag shared this.
♺ @schestowitz "Kids should be able to program…install !GNU/ !Linux !Gentoo. We're trying to build a 1337 super race!" http://ur1.ca/d1t91Jose R Rodriguez at 2013-03-12T23:55:12+00:00
Steven Kastin likes this.
Back in my days, you knew something about Linux if you could install Gentoo. Now every damn kid can do it! #rantDr. Roy Schestowitz likes this.
2013-01-28T23:33:19+00:00 in São Paulo, Brazil To: Jabber.org IM Service, Public
People on gtalk see me online, I don't see them online. They don't get an error message when writing to me but I don't get their messages :O2013-01-21T23:31:06+00:00 To: Public
=Rain= Dancing below the clouds Tingling on my skin Every drop that falls Calms down my fears #poetry #haiku2013-01-21T23:31:06+00:00 To: Public
Very excellent report on Democracy Now about the suicide of Aaron Swartz, touching all the delicate and pressing issues…2013-01-21T23:31:05+00:00 To: Public
Yankee go home! (and ready the guest room) -Cuba2013-01-21T23:02:51+00:00 in São Paulo, Brazil To: O Bananal, só tem um!, Public
Yankee go home (and ready the guest room)! -Cuba2013-01-15T05:41:43+00:00 in São Paulo, Brazil To: Jabber.org IM Service, Public
Hi! Gtalk federation has been on and off lately, any idea on why? Cheers2013-01-02T06:48:45+00:00 To: Public
Al-Scandar Solstag, Michael, M∂hmood, KC Jones and 1 others likes this.
antonio amarildo, antonio amarildo, Al-Scandar Solstag, Al-Scandar Solstag and 4 others shared this.
@gnome "Not available for Firefox 18.0" :/2013-01-02T06:48:45+00:00 via web To: Public
Al-Scandar Solstag, Michael, M∂hmood, KC Jones and 1 others likes this.
antonio amarildo, antonio amarildo, Al-Scandar Solstag, Al-Scandar Solstag and 4 others shared this.
@gnome "Not available for Firefox 18.0" :/