2013-04-03T23:54:09+00:00 in Cambridgeport, Massachusetts, United States via web To: Public
you know you've improved your data backend when you then get to delete half of your prototype app's code.2013-04-02T00:06:30+00:00 in Cambridgeport, Massachusetts, United States via web To: Public
recently started using command-t, fuzzyfinder (for browsing buffers), youcompleteme, syntastic, commentary. my #vim feels reborn!2013-03-28T21:27:03+00:00 in Somerville, Massachusetts, United States via web To: Public
starting beansprouts like it's 50°F #spring2013-03-28T13:22:57+00:00 in Cambridgeport, Massachusetts, United States via web To: Raúl Benencia, Public
@rul thanks, I'll check it out!2013-03-27T20:42:37+00:00 in Cambridgeport, Massachusetts, United States via web To: Public
someday I will try and see if gnome 3 is ready to kick my xmonad habit.A couple of months ago I wrote about how to get, IMHO, the best of both sides. Hope it helps! http://ur1.ca/cg3c12013-03-25T21:10:37+00:00 in Cambridgeport, Massachusetts, United States via web To: Public
getting quick, kind, competent responses from volunteers on free software mailing lists: utterly inspiring. go go humanity.2013-03-24T22:00:11+00:00 in Old Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States via web To: a(n) person, Public
.@pinboard solved my tab problem. @hypatiadotca++ for telling me about it at #pycon!2013-03-24T21:59:16+00:00 in Old Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States via web To: Public
taking oh-my-zsh for a spin.2013-03-24T21:53:06+00:00 in Old Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States via web To: LibrePlanet, Public
just became a friend of gnome !libreplanet2013-03-20T02:23:33+00:00 in Cambridgeport, Massachusetts, United States via web To: Stefano Zacchiroli, Public
@zack oh cool, you'll be at !libreplanet! hope to see you then!RiveraValdez likes this.
Stefano Zacchiroli, Stefano Zacchiroli shared this.
@spang: will be a pleasure! /me amazed by how many friends will be around at #libreplanet …Stefano Zacchiroli at 2013-03-21T15:17:10+00:00
RiveraValdez likes this.
2013-02-27T14:27:51+00:00 in Cambridgeport, Massachusetts, United States via web To: Public
incredibly excited to see renewed interest in #sd and #prophet! go go giving out commit bits. http://ur1.ca/cx4p12013-02-27T14:26:50+00:00 in Cambridgeport, Massachusetts, United States via web To: Public
often surprised by how little time long-procrastinated emails take to respond to.Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno, Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno shared this.
2013-02-26T00:52:35+00:00 in Cambridge, United States via web To: Public
ok, radia perlman's LCA keynote on protocol design is hilarious and very well-done. what a hacker! http://ur1.ca/cwnwe2013-02-26T00:40:18+00:00 in Cambridge, United States via web To: Public
stand in the morning, sit in the early afternoon, stand in the late afternoon/evening, that's how I roll. #sitstanddesk2013-02-26T21:22:39+00:00 in Cambridgeport, Massachusetts, United States via web To: Public
The infrastructure behind products, services, and companies is intensely fascinating to me. Do you get that? #curioushackeriscuriousMáirín shared by Christine Spang at 2013-02-25T16:28:10+00:00 via web To: Public
hm, i have no idea why we have trouble encouraging women to join our community. http://ur1.ca/cwkpjJordi Gutiérrez Hermoso, Darren Maczka, Maj, dno and 4 others likes this.
Darren Maczka, Darren Maczka, zoowar, zoowar and 14 others shared this.
Show all 11 replies@mairin I think it's offensive with both, for men: it's assuming that any part of my body is disgusting and it can be used in or as a insult@mairin I fail to see the problem here. It's obviously childish to use such profanity and innuendos, but it isn't really sexist or anything.Why don't people admit that Linus can be an asshole some^H^H^H^H often? As a community leader, he should act as such or keep it to himself.Máirín shared by Christine Spang at 2013-02-25T16:28:10+00:00 via web To: Public
hm, i have no idea why we have trouble encouraging women to join our community. http://ur1.ca/cwkpjJordi Gutiérrez Hermoso, Darren Maczka, Maj, dno and 4 others likes this.
Darren Maczka, Darren Maczka, zoowar, zoowar and 14 others shared this.
Show all 11 replies@mairin I think it's offensive with both, for men: it's assuming that any part of my body is disgusting and it can be used in or as a insult@mairin I fail to see the problem here. It's obviously childish to use such profanity and innuendos, but it isn't really sexist or anything.Why don't people admit that Linus can be an asshole some^H^H^H^H often? As a community leader, he should act as such or keep it to himself.2013-02-25T16:03:30+00:00 in Cambridge, United States via web To: Public
rye toast, lemon hummus, radish slices. black pepper on top. #simplefood2013-02-21T19:37:13+00:00 in East Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States via web To: Public
I get so much work done to drone zone, I just _had_ to donate to soma fm. http://ur1.ca/cvaa92013-01-27T01:02:39+00:00 in Cambridge, United States via web To: Public
inactivity breeds inactivity.